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> [Sandero 2017] Size of 2 Din Radio Compartment, How big is the 2 din radio compartment?

post 24 Apr 2017, 12:03
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Hello everyone,
I'm new here.
My new Sandero Ambiance 2017 is under delivery so I can't check by myself.
Can't find the size of the 2 din radio.
I already have an Android 7" 2 din radio with the size of: 178x101mm
Can I use it ?

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
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post 24 Apr 2017, 15:17
Post #2


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From: Bucuresti

the unit will require an adaptor like this


and, most likely, a new console cover(like the one on Ambiance/Laureate) or you can cut the one that comes with the car (it is 2DIN divided into 1DIN + storage compartment)

DACIA Logan II 2012 / 0.9 TCe Laureate - B-xxx-xxx
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post 24 Apr 2017, 16:33
Post #3

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QUOTE(torquemada @ 24 Apr 2017, 15:17)
the unit will require an adaptor like this


and, most likely, a new console cover(like the one on Ambiance/Laureate) or you can cut the one that comes with the car (it is 2DIN divided into 1DIN + storage compartment)

Thanks for the answer.
I'm also new in DIY radio replacement so I may ask stupid questions.

Don't I also need the metal *brackets ? or the original ones are detachable from the original radio unit ?


If the radio was 173x97mm (some vendor sells the same model with this two sizes) is the adapter still required?

BTW, the prices on EU market are damn crazy dry.gif .


This post has been edited by magen1: 24 Apr 2017, 20:08

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
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post 24 Apr 2017, 23:10
Post #4


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You wrote Ambiance and I read Acces (Acces does not have a radio).

The metal brakets of the OEM radio(the one that has CD) could be used for your android unit, but you should wait for the car delivery to be sure (you might get the new radio model)

DACIA Logan II 2012 / 0.9 TCe Laureate - B-xxx-xxx
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post 25 Apr 2017, 10:05
Post #5

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QUOTE(torquemada @ 24 Apr 2017, 23:10)
You wrote Ambiance and I read Acces (Acces does not have a radio).

The metal brakets of the OEM radio(the one that has CD) could be used for your android unit, but you should wait for the car delivery to be sure (you might get the new radio model)


Looking on internet I just saw this model

that is (supposed to be) the last one, the one published on Dacia's website.
So let's say this is the one I'll get.
I should just need the frame right?

I'm in "rush" (insist for an answer, trying to understand and can't wait for the car) due a negotiating in progress for a better radiobetter radio with the same size of the one I already have. That's why my main question was if that size can fit in the radio's "hole". blush.gif

The thing is, if there are 2 standards 1 DIN and 2 DIN, why the company make the same 2 DIN model with few millimeter of difference?
There are 2 sub-standards? wacko.gif


EDIT: oh, and BTW, even the Dacia support couldn't help me, they answered to go in a official repair shop and ask mad.gif (impossible for me right now, I'm in the middle of the sea with no mechanics around)

This post has been edited by magen1: 25 Apr 2017, 11:00

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
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post 25 Apr 2017, 13:09
Post #6


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Forget the 1DIN is only for Acces.

You will need the adapter in post #2 and some brackets. The adapter has 3 inner dimensions 178x102 should be good for your android device (178x101mm )

First picture the new radio (depends on country), and an android unit using the adapter in #2

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teaser17042502.jpg ( Size: 243.71k ) Number of downloads: 201

DACIA Logan II 2012 / 0.9 TCe Laureate - B-xxx-xxx
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post 26 Apr 2017, 17:16
Post #7

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Thanks for the answers.

Now I have to wait the delivery tongue.gif

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 13 May 2017, 17:21
Post #8

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Still waiting for the car and still looking some knowledge.
Aparently the stock radio uses proprietary plugs for the radio and even the antenna dry.gif .


This post has been edited by magen1: 13 May 2017, 17:22

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
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post 27 Jul 2017, 16:04
Post #9

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Allright, I'm back.
I was finally free to install the radio in the car when I've discovered that the adaptor I had in the new radio's box is not compatible with Renault's proprietary plugs.

Because I don't want to cut the original wiring, I'm looking for the right adaptor but before I'll buy one I'm trying to understand the meaning of each plug and why some of that doesn't have the conversion wiring.

So, this is the adaptor I've found in the new radio's box:

and this is a common adaptor (for Renault/Dacia) with the stock radio's cables and plugs:

A ) this is the radio plug that I already have the conversion cable
B ) don't know what is this but the adaptor have the conversion plug
C ) is this the wire for the wheeling controls ? btw, this plug is not available in the adaptor. (maybe is one of the USB port available on the ne radio? EDIT: no, shape of the plug is different sad.gif )
D ) powering cable?

This is the back of the new radio:

The adaptor E have less pins than the plug B and D, is that normal?

tl;dr I need an adaptor to convert the STOCK RENAULT's poprietary plugs into a standard(?) plugs.
Is this good? wacko.gif

many, many, many thanks.

This post has been edited by magen1: 27 Jul 2017, 17:27

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 27 Jul 2017, 23:34
Post #10


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From: Bucuresti

A ) radion antena
B ) power and speakers
C ) SWRC steering wheel remote control
D ) +ACCesories and +ILLumination, MICrophone and RearViewCamera wires

I need an adaptor to convert the STOCK RENAULT's poprietary plugs into a standard(?) plugs.
Is this good?

Yes, it has only wires for +ACCesories and +ILLumination

This post has been edited by torquemada: 27 Jul 2017, 23:38

DACIA Logan II 2012 / 0.9 TCe Laureate - B-xxx-xxx
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post 28 Jul 2017, 00:11
Post #11

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I found that maybe I need an extra control unit to manage that built in wheel's control system.
That control unit cost almost as the Radio unit itself (from 60 to 90 euro).
So for now I'll bypass that sleep.gif.
I'll buy one of that normal adaptor (E) and good night. mad.gif

EDIT: oh, hey Torquemada, just saw your reply.
Many thanks for the info and all the support.

This post has been edited by magen1: 28 Jul 2017, 00:16

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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