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post 22 Jun 2006, 08:43
Post #1

Ferrari fan

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Peter Solberg, campion cu Subaru in 2003, a semnat cu acestia pana in 2009.
Asta e un lucru excelent deoarece avem siguranta ca Subaru va ramane in WRC cel putin pana atunci.
La cum s-au retras pana acum constructorii din WRC, e bine cand aflam ca unul dintre ei nu are asemenea ganduri.

This post has been edited by f39sor: 22 Jun 2006, 08:43

Renault Megane 2.2 Bicorp Dynamique 1.6 16V (2007) - GL
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post 22 Jun 2006, 09:59
Post #2

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Cine s-a mai retras?

Mitsubishi Lancer 2008
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post 22 Jun 2006, 10:41
Post #3

Ferrari fan

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Peugeot, Mitsubishi, Skoda, Hyundai, Toyota - s-au retras definitv;

Citroen - ei spun ca doar in 2006 stau pe margine pentru a dezvolta modelul C4 Coupe WRC;

Ford - afirma la sfarsitul fiecarui an competitional ca se retrag, insa apoi revin asupa deciziei; chestia e ca s-au retras cam din toate competitiile majore si au ramas doar in WRC.

Asa ca acum sunt doar doua echipe de uzina: Subaru si Ford.

Renault Megane 2.2 Bicorp Dynamique 1.6 16V (2007) - GL
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post 22 Jun 2006, 11:07
Post #4

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blink.gif rolleyes.gif unsure.gif wacko.gif

Care e faza totusi? Ce se ascunde in spatele acestui...."dezastru" daca ii pot spune asa?

Mitsubishi Lancer 2008
Univega Alpina HT-LTD Disc Deore 2011
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post 22 Jun 2006, 11:40
Post #5

Ferrari fan

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Ca in orice domeniu, problema o reprezinta banii. Se cheltuie foarte mult si fara rezultate. Sa le luam pe rand:

Peugeot: a testat modelul 206 vreo 3 ani inainte sa-l bage in WRC in program full-time. Au intrat si au iesit campioni. Din cauza unei strategii de marketing, foarte defectuoasa de altfel, au introdus modelul 307CC, fara a urma insa acelasi program riguros de dezvoltare pe care l-au aplicat pentru 206. Au crezut probabil ca luand "genele" modelului 206 WRC, un model de succes de altfel, si punandu-le pe 307CC WRC, pot face si din acest model unul de succes in WRC. S-au inselat amarnic, iar cum rezultatele nu veneau iar banii se pierdeau, au decis sa se retraga. Acum cica pregatesc modelul 407 pentru WTCC. Sa vedem......

Mitsubishi: de la plecarea lui Tommi Makinen, japonezii inca se cauta. Produc un model de strada excelent insa nu pot face fata in WRC. Din nou bani investiti si rezultate zero. Ei spun ca vor reveni si ca momentan lucreaza la dezvoltarea lui EVO9 WRC. Ii asteptam.....

Skoda: au iesit campioni (mondiali, daca nu ma insel) la grupa A2 insa cand au facut pasul la WRC n-au mai reusit nimic, nici cu Octavia WRC si nici cu Fabia WRC. L-au cooptat pe Didier Auriol ca prim pilot, dar degeaba. Din nou, aceeasi veche poveste bani bagati - rezultate zero i-au facut sa se retraga.

Hyundai - la fel ca Skoda, doar ca ei n-au castigat nimic.

Toyota: poate singura exceptie. Bani au, insa au preferat sa se axeze pe F1 si de aceea au renuntat. Culmea e ca in anul in care au anuntat ca se retrag, au luat titlul mondial la constructori (prin Sainz si Auriol). In raliuri sunt multipli campioni, in F1 insa sunt cam in a doua jumatate a clasamentului. No comment!

Citroen: singura cu capul pe umeri (spre deosebire de Peugeot, mai ales). Sunt campioni, s-au retras un an ca sa dezvolte o masina viitoare campioana mondiala, iar la anul sigur vor redeveni Nr. 1.

Si astia sunt doar constructorii retrasi din 1999 incoace..........

Renault Megane 2.2 Bicorp Dynamique 1.6 16V (2007) - GL
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post 22 Jun 2006, 12:13
Post #6

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Ahh...din 99...ma speriasem. Nu stau eu cu foame de latest news din WRC, dar cand ziceai de atatia constructori retrasi, ma gadeam ca in ultimii 1-2 ani...dar acum m-am linistit.

Deh, asta e. Poate asa se face loc la altii. Parca Titi zicea ceva de WRC pe un post local de tv din CJ. biggrin.gif

This post has been edited by driverx: 22 Jun 2006, 12:14

Mitsubishi Lancer 2008
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post 28 Jul 2006, 21:56
Post #7

Bagator de seama!

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Bai , in pana mea, m-am saturat, astia isi iau vacanta in toiu verii si eu tre sa ma uit doar laVTM sad.gif ca WRC lula 022.gif
Cine dracu a gindit WRC-u asa?

Fiat Linea Active, 2011 - PAD
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post 31 Aug 2006, 12:58
Post #8

Riders on the Storm

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Desfasurarea competitiei pana la sfarsitul anului:

1-3 septembrie: Japonia - etapa 11

22-24 septembrie: Cipru - etapa 12

13-15 octombrie: Turcia - etapa 13

27-29 octombrie: Australia - etapa 14

10-12 noiembrie: Noua Zeelanda - etapa 15

1-3 decembrie: Marea Britanie - etapa 16

Reno M 2.1/CD 2005/1.6 16 V - B xx BOG
Ce este adevarul?, a aruncat sfidator Pilat din Pont, dar nu a asteptat raspunsul! (Bacon)
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post 12 Oct 2006, 14:19
Post #9

Bagator de seama!

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Valentino Rossi va lua startul în Raliul Noii Zeelande
Dupa încheierea înscrierilor pentru Raliul Noii Zeelande este cert faptul că star-ul Moto GP Valentino Rossi va lua startul în penultima rundă a Campionatului Mondial de Raliuri 2006.
Tînărul italian va pilota un Subaru Impreza S11 WRC fiind înscris pe lista de start ca pilot privat, nefăcînd parte din echipa oficială Subaru WRT.
Rossi a concurat în WRC o singură dată pînă acum în Raliul Marii Britanii în 2002, la volanul unui Peugeot 206 WRC, cînd a ieșit în decor încă din prima zi. Alegerea unui Subaru pentru Noua Zeelanda vine după ce Rossi a mai pilotat în cîteva ocazii modelul Impreza WRC.
Deși motocicleta Yamaha pilotată de Rossi merge cu pneuri Michelin în Moto GP, în WRC mașina acestuia va fi încălțată cu Pirelli, la fel ca și celelalte mașini SWRT. Managerul echipei Subaru World Rally Team, Richard Taylor a precizat că acesta este un aspect care încă se discută

Fiat Linea Active, 2011 - PAD
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post 13 Oct 2006, 10:04
Post #10

Bagator de seama!

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WRC - Raliul Turciei: Primele doua probe speciale anulate
Inceput nu tocmai fericit in Raliu Turciei: din cauza vremii proaste, elicopterul de asistenta medicala nu a putut decola, asa ca organizatorii au fost nevoiti sa anuleze mai intai prima proba speciala si apoi si pe a doua. In acest moment masinile se indreapta spre startul cele de-a treia speciale.

Fiat Linea Active, 2011 - PAD
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post 19 Nov 2006, 19:38
Post #11

Ferrari fan

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Nu stiu cati dintre voi urmaresc si WRC -ul, insa azi Ford a luat cel de-al doilea titlu la constructori din istoria participarilor in mondialul de raliuri (primul a fost in 1979).
Daca Marcus Gronholm va castiga si in ultima etapa, atunci el va termina la 1 punct in spatele lui Loeb. Parerea mea este ca daca Ford ar fi riscat in etapa trecuta, castigata de Hirvonen, si l-ar fi sacrificat pe acesta astfel incat Gronholm sa mai urce 1 pozitie, anul acesta americanii ar fi putut reusi dubla.

Renault Megane 2.2 Bicorp Dynamique 1.6 16V (2007) - GL
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post 17 Sep 2007, 10:18
Post #12

Ferrari fan

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A murit Colin McRae.

Alaturi de Sainz si Makkinen a fost unul dintre preferatii mei din WRC. Mai jos am pus o scurta prezentare a lui:

Colin McRae: 1968 - 2007

Colin McRae's tragic death in a helicopter crash has robbed rallying of one of it's greatest talents. Here eurosport.yahoo.com remembers the 1995 world champion's life in the sport.

Born on August 5 1968 in Lanarkshire, McRae was never far from rallying. His father Jimmy was a five-time British champion and would be the catalyst for Colin to become the most famous name in the sport.

His first competitive outing on dirt came aged 12, but it was on two wheels, rather than four, where he forged his reputation, becoming a junior champion in Motocross in his homeland.

Rallying though would prove to be his calling, and his debut duly came in 1986 in a Sunbeam Lotus at the age of 17, where an early crash put paid to his hopes of a good result.

Already evident was the flamboyant driving style that would win him so many fans, even if it did earn him the tag "McRae the madman."

While honing his skills in front-wheel-drive machinery, the young McRae made his world championship debut in Sweden in 1987, and made it home in 36th place in a 1300cc Vauxhall Nova.

But it was four-wheel drive machinery he longed to compete in and duly began competing full-time in the British Championship, and on a limited basis in the WRC, in a Ford Scotland-backed Sierra.

His career really took off in early 1991, when he joined Prodrive, competing in the British Championship in one of their Subaru Legacys.

Despite more crashes, he landed the title in both 1991 and 1992 and finished second on a one-off outing in the WRC event in Sweden, prompting team boss David Richards to promote him to a world championship drive full-time.

It proved to be an inspired choice. McRae's first World Championship victory came in New Zealand in 1993 as he wowed the crowd on the 34-mile Motu stage, a test renowned as one that separates the men from the boys.

Three wins came the following year, but significantly they included one on his home WRC event, making him the first Briton to win the Rally of Great Britain [then known as the RAC Rally] since Roger Clark in 1976.

12 months later came his crowning glory. Subaru team orders conspired to leave him with a time penalty which denied him victory on the Rally of Spain after the final stage.

That win instead went to his team-mate Carlos Sainz, ensuring that both arrived in Britain for the final round level on points and in a winner-takes-all situation.

McRae's chances looked doomed when he suffered a puncture and broken suspension in Kielder Forest, but spectacularly he fought back from a two-minute deficit to Sainz to win the rally and become Britain's first world champion. At 27 years old, he was, and remains, the youngest man to win rallying's greatest prize.

After ending the 1996 season as runner-up, a second title almost followed in 1997.

But, despite beating Tommi Makinen by just 0.6 seconds to win in Australia, and then adding victory in GB, he missed out on the grand prize by just one point to the Finn.

A complete chance of scene was needed and it came with a switch to Ford in 1999 in a move that made him the highest-paid driver in the sport's history.

That season saw him win his 25th WRC event, which made him the most successful driver in rally history, although he has since been passed by Sainz, Sebastien Loeb and Marcus Gronholm.

The Ford years did not produce the success of his time at Subaru, but he did arrive back at Rally GB in the championship lead in 2001. A spectacular day one crash though saw him beaten to world title number two by his countryman Richard Burns.

Citroen was to provide his final full season in the championship in 2003 as he found himself unable to adapt to the handling of the Xsara WRC.

A tough campaign which saw him finish on the podium just once signalled that the future lay with young chargers like Sebastien Loeb, and gave McRae an opportunity to take a back seat.

He made a brief return in 2005, competing in both Britain and Australia for Skoda, and only missed out on a spectacular second place in the latter event when mechanical gremlins intervened on the final morning.

His final world championship outing came in Turkey last year, where he retired his Kronos Citroen after being drafted in as a replacement for the injured Sebastien Loeb, but by then he was more than happy to let "the youngsters" do their thing.

McRae's star transcended his sport, not just through his never say die attitude, but also through his series of hugely-successful rallying computer games, which made him a household name far more than his world title did.

Outside of the WRC he competed twice on the Dakar Rally in Africa, getting lost in the Sahara desert on more than one occasion, and also raced a GT1 Ferrari at Le Mans, securing a class podium in 2004.

A few outings in the X-games, the British Touring Car Championship, the Porsche Supercup and the Days of Thunder stock car series showed that there was more to his skill than speed on the gravel.

And he proved it yet more as he spent the last two years developing his own rally car, the R4, which it is still hoped will go into production.

Sa se odihneasca in pace!

Renault Megane 2.2 Bicorp Dynamique 1.6 16V (2007) - GL
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post 29 Jul 2010, 08:12
Post #13

Ferrari fan

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Mini se intoarce in WRC incepand de anul viitor.


Una dintre putinele vesti bune din WRC din ultimele sezoane.

Renault Megane 2.2 Bicorp Dynamique 1.6 16V (2007) - GL
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post 30 Aug 2010, 21:18
Post #14

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Si se pare ca si VW sunt pe cale sa intre in WRC (bine, in S2000).

Renault Laguna 2 2006 2.0T dopat cu 30 ponei
Kadjar 1.6 dci 4x4 - 2015
Megane 1.2 Classic 1.6 16v - 2001
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post 20 Sep 2011, 10:14
Post #15

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in 2012 VW o sa intre in WRC cu un Polo WRC. POsibil ca Petter Solberg sa fie unul din pilotii echipei.

Renault Clio III 2006/1.4 16v
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post 12 Nov 2011, 12:04
Post #16


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Leob de 8 ori campion mondial în WRC!

Pilot adevărat, nu ca gamerii din F1.

- - -
Când vrei și, și, iese nici, nici!
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post 21 Nov 2011, 13:49
Post #17

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hirvonen pleaca la citroen.

Renault Megane sedan 04/2007 1,5 dci 85 cp ZEFI
Realme GT2 Neo cu here, maps, viamichelin, waze.
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post 21 Nov 2011, 13:52
Post #18


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Sau vine.

- - -
Când vrei și, și, iese nici, nici!
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post 6 Oct 2012, 18:44
Post #19

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bine macar c-au cules via sad.gif

- - -
Ziua de 16 nov 2014 a ramas in istoria Romaniei ca fiind ziua in care omul politic Victor Ponta a fost cel mai aproape sa devina Presedintele Romaniei
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post 22 Feb 2013, 13:42
Post #20

fost programator

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QUOTE(wondam @ 20 Sep 2011, 10:14)
in 2012 VW o sa intre in WRC cu un Polo WRC.

Au castigat anul asta un raliu înca din etapa a doua, în Suedia. Pare foarte reusita masinuta up.gif

Mai mult, au contribuit la lansarea unui nou Sebastien frantuz, Ogier biggrin.gif Locul 2 la Monte Carlo, castigator în Suedia, lider al clasamentului dupa 2 etape.

Sebastien Ogier FIA World Rally Championship nL7DZ6Gj5pql.jpg

This post has been edited by Markos: 22 Feb 2013, 13:45

Reno Megan Privilej
"Partidele politice sunt cai la carul de aur al istoriei românilor; când devin gloabe, poporul român le trimite la abator." - P.Țuțea
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post 22 Feb 2013, 15:00
Post #21

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Ogier era demult urmasul lui Loeb. Noroc ca s-a retras ala ca au si ceilalti o sansa. Zicea ca in 2013 va participa la cateva raliuri.

3 japoneze 2 nemtoaice si cam atat
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post 22 Feb 2013, 15:58
Post #22

fost programator

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QUOTE(Solon @ 22 Feb 2013, 15:00)
Noroc ca s-a retras ala ca au si ceilalti o sansa. Zicea ca in 2013 va participa la cateva raliuri.

Deocamdata a participat la ambele raliuri, a castigat la Monte Carlo, a luat locul doi în Suedia si e imediat în spatele lui Ogier.

Poate ca o sa i se para mai interesant campionatul actual si va participa la toate raliurile, numai ca sa-l bata pe Ogier wink.gif Ar fi al naibii de interesant.

This post has been edited by Markos: 22 Feb 2013, 15:59

Reno Megan Privilej
"Partidele politice sunt cai la carul de aur al istoriei românilor; când devin gloabe, poporul român le trimite la abator." - P.Țuțea
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post 23 Feb 2013, 17:48
Post #23

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Faza e ca nici Ogier nu e vreun fraier si e tanar, Loeb e cam batran si s-ar putea sa aibe surprize anul asta. Si in anii trecuti Ogier i-a dat-o de vreo 2-3 ori peste bot, e adevarat, cu putin. Oricum are concurenta cu Ogier ca cu Latvala, Hirvonen si alte pocnitori n-are ce sa faca.

3 japoneze 2 nemtoaice si cam atat
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post 11 Mar 2013, 23:16
Post #24

fost programator

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M-am stricat de râs, i-a închis un mexican poarta lui Ogier, pe traseu radmasa.gif

Reno Megan Privilej
"Partidele politice sunt cai la carul de aur al istoriei românilor; când devin gloabe, poporul român le trimite la abator." - P.Țuțea
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post 11 Mar 2013, 23:44
Post #25

( -_・) ︻デ═一

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La ce te referi? Ca am tot cautat si n-am gasit... blush.gif

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post 12 Mar 2013, 08:40
Post #26

fost programator

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Într-una din etapele de macadam din Mexic s-a trezit pur și simplu cu drumul blocat de-o poartă culisantă. Noroc că n-a pus mexicanul (vreun fermier probabil) și lacătul, a coborât copilotul și-a deschis-o. Faza a fost filmată cu camera de la bordul Polo-ului tongue.gif

LE: am gasit tongue.gif

This post has been edited by Markos: 12 Mar 2013, 11:18

Reno Megan Privilej
"Partidele politice sunt cai la carul de aur al istoriei românilor; când devin gloabe, poporul român le trimite la abator." - P.Țuțea
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post 12 Mar 2013, 11:22
Post #27

( -_・) ︻デ═一

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tongue.gif Cred c-a avut ceva emotii. Deci se intampla si la case mai mari. rolleyes.gif

BMW 730Ld '07 High Executive - AR - -
M-Benz C350CDI 7G-Tronic '12 Avantgarde
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post 12 Mar 2013, 11:24
Post #28

fost programator

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Si un link.

Oricum, nasoala senzatie. Noroc ca a fost pe-o portiune relativ dreapta si-a vazut-o din timp, ca daca era dupa o curba trecea prin ea icon_mrgreen.gif

Reno Megan Privilej
"Partidele politice sunt cai la carul de aur al istoriei românilor; când devin gloabe, poporul român le trimite la abator." - P.Țuțea
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post 16 Apr 2013, 22:08
Post #29

fost programator

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Nu-i despre WRC, dar e despre Loeb icon_mrgreen.gif

Apropo, în Portugalia (din nou fără Loeb) a câștigat lejer Ogier și campionatul pare terminat după doar 4 etape, avans uriaș pentru franțuz sad.gif

This post has been edited by Markos: 16 Apr 2013, 22:11

Reno Megan Privilej
"Partidele politice sunt cai la carul de aur al istoriei românilor; când devin gloabe, poporul român le trimite la abator." - P.Țuțea
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post 31 May 2013, 23:22
Post #30

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- - -
Ziua de 16 nov 2014 a ramas in istoria Romaniei ca fiind ziua in care omul politic Victor Ponta a fost cel mai aproape sa devina Presedintele Romaniei
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