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> My new (Dacia) Sandero, Impressions and experience

post 20 Sep 2008, 20:46
Post #1

Membru autentic

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From: Serbia

Come on people, where are the new owners smile.gif?!?

Ford Fiesta 1.4 (96 HP) 2010 / Trend (Flex Pack 11)
Never argue with a fool -- people might not notice the difference! (Murphy's First Law of Debate)
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post 22 Sep 2008, 22:49
Post #2

Quite opinionated

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Some Sandero impressions from an owner: the car seems very balanced, I could say I like the way it handles. I find the suspension the best part of the car, it dampens small bumps very well at low and also high speeds.
The engine (1,4 8V) doesn't blow my mind, but it has proper performance (high compsumtion thought). The steering - well, I kind of liked it at first, but with the passing of time, I kind of found it to be to much assisted. Tight corners at high speed are not it's thing, and I often find myself entering a corner at a higher speed then the steering column would give me a safety feeling.
All in all, I'm satisfied with my purchase, and could say the car was actually beyond my expectations.

LE: I forgot... pics:

This post has been edited by Stefan: 23 Sep 2008, 15:57

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4.jpg ( Size: 338.94k ) Number of downloads: 1280
20.jpg ( Size: 343.48k ) Number of downloads: 1327
17.jpg ( Size: 324.57k ) Number of downloads: 1314

Volkswagen Golf 7 Variant 1,4 TSI 2013
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post 16 Sep 2010, 22:32
Post #3

Membru incepator

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That's my beauty smile.gif

im.php.jpg ( Size: 145.28k ) Number of downloads: 807
im.php2.jpg ( Size: 179.5k ) Number of downloads: 706

Dacia Sandero 2008 Ambiance
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post 9 Jul 2011, 19:36
Post #4

Membru incepator

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heve some one the diesel variant 1.5 dci for sandero, impressions ?

dacia sandero smile! 1.5dci 2011 - TM593793
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post 14 Jul 2011, 11:14
Post #5

Membru entuziast :)

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From: DN1

My Dacia Sandero (Make October 2008) has an average fuel consumption (with 75% outside city) - of 6.3 liters / 100 Km.

The engine is 1.4 Mpi clasical injection, 8 Valves). I would say it is economical.

The gearbox is somewhat shorter than the Logan model (it advances in speed faster).

Regarding Sandero Diesel 1.5 - I have a good friend who has this type since 2 years - will ask him for feedback.

This post has been edited by mstaniloiu: 14 Jul 2011, 13:10

Dacia (SupeR)Nova, 1310 - SN 2001
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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