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> How much does sandero cost in your country?, Hmm! A big speculation suspected

post 13 Nov 2008, 21:50
Post #1

Membru incepator

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From: Italy

Hallo to everybody. Let's make a price list of sandero sold in the world.
At te moment my examples don't care models and optionals:
The first spot on italian television showed sandero at 7350 euros
On a slovenian web page the advertisement said 6666 euros
On a hungarian web page the advertisement ?probably over 8000 euros
It was less than 2 mounths ago.
Have a good day

nu nu nu - 3AG 9829 (false)
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post 13 Nov 2008, 22:11
Post #2

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Price range in Romania starts at 6890 euro for the entry level version (Sandero) equipped with the 1,4 liter petrol engine (75 bhp) and ends at 9850 euro for the Prestige version with the 1,6 liter petrol engine (90 bhp). The Prestige was only recently put on sale. With extras it can reach a price tag of over 10 500 euros.

Volkswagen Golf 7 Variant 1,4 TSI 2013
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post 13 Nov 2008, 23:06
Post #3

Membru autentic

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@ dacia1210galbena

I dont know in what country you are. If you are interested about the prices and features for Germany, take them from HERE.

I hope you understand german language wink.gif

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post 13 Nov 2008, 23:40
Post #4

Membru incepator

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From: Italy

I've just visited slovenian web page:I can confirm that cost less than in Romania http://www.dacia.si/si/DaciaSITe/sandero/p...age1/index.html
even if we don't understand language,now it's possible check some optionals prices. you can save 210 euros without abs? I hope to be wrong.It's absurd

nu nu nu - 3AG 9829 (false)
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post 13 Nov 2008, 23:52
Post #5

Membru autentic

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In some countrys the people have other menthalitys.
If I wanna save money, they are other "toys" in the cars what I dont need.
I dont need, electrical windows, CD radio. They cost a lot. In Germany this silly CD Radio from blaupunkt cost about 400 EUROs. That's crazy. With 400 Euros I get a radio with USB2, MP3, navigation and more. A central remote look. What fore? ABS must be.

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post 26 Aug 2009, 11:37
Post #6

Membru incepator

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Hello / Buna ziua!

I suppose this is not so difficult a task to achieve. One just has to enter Dacia webs in several countries to check the prices. You don't need to know many language to recognize numbers...

I can reply for Portugal and Spain. In any case, I see that Dacia plays with the equipment to set the starting price per country. The most basic version in Spain is cheaper than the most basic in Portugal, but this one has more equipment.

In Spain, the basic version starts at 7.450 eur. This is the petrol 1.2 motor. You can configure prices and equipment at http://www.dacia.es/gama-dacia/sandero/con...rador/index.jsp.
The catalogues (with equipment) can be found at http://www.dacia.es/gama-dacia/catalogos-dacia/

In Portugal, the most basic starts at 9.690 eur. You get mad when you see that Portuguese salaries are around 30% lower than Spanish, and still cars are more expensive in Portugal!
You can configure it at http://www.dacia.pt/gama-dacia/sandero/configurador/. You can only get a catalogue if you write to them.

Well, these were my 5 cents...!

wv passat 1980 - B12234
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post 10 Oct 2009, 17:19
Post #7

Membru incepator

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In Poland, cheapest version cost 6873 euro. Diesel Laureate (I'm thinking of it) cost 10367 euro. When I am buying diesel, it's no big difference between Laureate and Arctica, so i think it's worth of 400 euro to have a more comfortable car.

Daewoo Matiz 9 - 4
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post 10 Oct 2009, 17:21
Post #8

Membru autentic

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how well dacia sells in poland?

Kia Rio 2021 - ---
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post 5 Feb 2010, 14:27
Post #9


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From: de aici

My Sandero costs new 9765 euros

Dacia Sandero 1.4 editia cu frana de mana supt bord
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post 18 Mar 2010, 10:47
Post #10

Membru incepator

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From: Beograd, SRB/Belgrade, SRB

Dacia Sandero price list from Serbian Dacia importer`s web site (.pdf)


Dacia Sandero options price list from Serbian Dacia importer`s web site (.pdf)


Any model of Dacia is absolutely best-buy here in Serbia.

Dacia Sandero 2009 1.4 MPI
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post 20 Nov 2013, 14:35
Post #11

Membru incepator

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QUOTE(dacia1210galbena @ 13 Nov 2008, 16:50)
Hallo to everybody. Let's make a price list of sandero sold in the world.
At te moment my examples don't care models and optionals:
The first spot on italian television showed sandero at 7350 euros
On a slovenian web page the advertisement said 6666 euros
On a hungarian web page the advertisement ?probably over 8000 euros
It was less than 2 mounths ago.
Have a good day


in Argentina these is the price.... very high for medium class , wacko.gif

1 euro = 8$ AR

Authentique Pack I 1,6 8V $AR 94,300
Authentique Pack II 1,6 8V $AR 97,600
Expression 1,6 8v ABS $AR 100,300
Tech Run $AR 101,600
Privilege 1,6 16v NAV $AR 107,500

Renault Sandero Phase II 2012
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post 1 May 2017, 20:11
Post #12

Membru incepator

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I'm waiting my Sandero Ambiance 1.0 SCe 75Cv for € 8.400 turnkey (Italy)

omg, this topic was dead.

This post has been edited by magen1: 1 May 2017, 20:11

Dacia Sandero Ambiance 2017
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