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> imbunatatiri aduse novei(interior-exterior), poze si comentarii

post 30 Jul 2011, 21:08
Post #781

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Daca ai pe inectie ii suspect motorasu de relanti

Dacia/BMW 316i an 99 1310 li 2003 Berlina - Ar-07-GIB/BG
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post 18 Sep 2011, 21:35
Post #782

Membru autentic

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From: Bucuresti

Bine v-am gasit! Mi-a fost dor sa mai citesc prostiile care le scrieti aici laugh.gif

Logan 1.6MPi 05' / Papuc 1.9D dropside 05'
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post 18 Sep 2011, 22:05
Post #783

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Ai fost in vacanta?

Una d'aia cu 5 roti
Fii atent la volan! Cineva drag te asteapta acasa!
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post 19 Sep 2011, 13:35
Post #784

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nu...dar nu am mai avut timp sa intru pe forum.. si am mai pierdut din pasiunea care o aveam de la inceput ptr nova.

Logan 1.6MPi 05' / Papuc 1.9D dropside 05'
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post 2 Oct 2011, 17:04
Post #785

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imbunatatiri dacia nova gt 99

geamuri negre spate
dvd audiola
alarma cu inchidere centralizata
ceas ce indica:temperatura interior-exterior,ora,voltajul bateriei
huse noi
boxe fata de 200w,spate de 350 w,
subwofer de 150w
amplificator de 300w cu 2 canale
vopsit bari in culoarea masini
proiectoare de ceata de pe wolsvagen passat
bari portbagaj de renault clio

dacia nova gt 1999
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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b 45 bwy
post 2 Oct 2011, 17:14
Post #786

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Renault Laguna 2003 - Florin&bwy
Nova GT 1999
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post 2 Oct 2011, 17:29
Post #787

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poze astea le am deocamdata,,ca mai este ceva de lucru la ea,PICT0018.JPG ( Size: 782.54k ) Number of downloads: 1043
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PICT0017.JPG ( Size: 696.43k ) Number of downloads: 989
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PICT0020.JPG ( Size: 711.27k ) Number of downloads: 219
PICT0024.JPG ( Size: 418.26k ) Number of downloads: 224
PICT0023.JPG ( Size: 772.83k ) Number of downloads: 392
PICT0021.JPG ( Size: 645.63k ) Number of downloads: 371

dacia nova gt 1999
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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b 45 bwy
post 2 Oct 2011, 22:40
Post #788

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From: Bucuresti

ce nu imi place e husa de la schimbator ,sau el,o fi prea lung(la mine park nu arata asa)in rest arata bine,si niste proiectoare ar fi marfa sa pui.

Renault Laguna 2003 - Florin&bwy
Nova GT 1999
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post 3 Oct 2011, 05:38
Post #789

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husa de la schimbator,asa a fost,,,si proictoarele le are ,se vede in poza,sin pe jos linga bara fata,care trebuie vopsita

dacia nova gt 1999
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 5 Oct 2011, 09:42
Post #790

Membru autentic

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De 4 ani zace Nova mea in parcare, si acum ma cam bate gandul sa ma apuc de ea sa o pun pe picioare cat se poate.
Am intrat aici sperand ca in cativa ani au aparut imbunatatiri serioase ptr Nova, insa am constatat ca la "imbunatatiri" pamenii posteaza ca au montat cd-player, n-spe boxe, pleoape, si alte mizerii care nu imbunatatesc cu nimic masina dpdv tehnic, ci doar estetic (ptr unii).
Concluzie: au trecut anii degeaba

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post 7 Oct 2011, 17:15
Post #791

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Va salut.
Actm am cumparat un nova din 2000 GTI , si e cam ruginit... Dar nu gasesc tablarie , sunt din Satu Mare si azi am umblaj pestetot si nu am gasit, poate cineva sa ma ajute?

Dacia Nova GT 1999 1999 - ???????????
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post 7 Oct 2011, 21:40
Post #792

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La remat si/sau cat mai aproape de mioveni

Dacia 1310 /1900
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post 9 Oct 2011, 09:08
Post #793

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ca imbunatatire, i-am pus geamuri electrice pe fata.

DACIA NOVA GT / GTI Se dezmembreaza 1998/1999
Dezmembrez Dacia Nova Gt (carburatie) 1998 - culoare alba
Dezmembrez Dacia Nova GTI (injectie) 1999 - culoare gri sobolan
Piese, in stare buna!
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 12 Dec 2011, 23:34
Post #794

Severin Street Racing Team

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From: Drobeta Turnu-Severin

vreau si eu sa schimb ceasurile din bord , un mic tutorial daca se poate biggrin.gif multumesc frumos.

Dacia Nova GT 1997 - MH-04-KGW
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post 14 Dec 2011, 19:51
Post #795

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From: Romanian City Life

ca idee:

in nuante..

DACIA NOVA GT / GTI Se dezmembreaza 1998/1999
Dezmembrez Dacia Nova Gt (carburatie) 1998 - culoare alba
Dezmembrez Dacia Nova GTI (injectie) 1999 - culoare gri sobolan
Piese, in stare buna!
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 15 Dec 2011, 10:01
Post #796

Academician doctor inginer, savant de renume mondial

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From: Bucuresti

modificarea asta (ceasuri de logan) nu se poate face pe nova wink.gif din 1.000.000 de motive wink.gif

Dacia 1300 1972
when life gives you lemon, make lemonade
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 15 Dec 2011, 13:26
Post #797

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Cel putin 1 milion de motive. O sa functioneze doar cativa martori din bordul ala, atat.

Una d'aia cu 5 roti
Fii atent la volan! Cineva drag te asteapta acasa!
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 15 Dec 2011, 20:35
Post #798

Severin Street Racing Team

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From: Drobeta Turnu-Severin

este greu de pus ceasuri de logan si cum spunea si G I M no sa mearga tot , eu as vrea sa schimb luminile si culoarea ceasurilor.. vedeti in poza atasata cum as vrea smile.gif

This post has been edited by kgw.: 15 Dec 2011, 20:36

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Dacia Nova GT 1997 - MH-04-KGW
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post 31 Dec 2011, 10:05
Post #799

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uitati ce am eu nui tunata inca dar urmeaza:D

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DACIA Nova GT 1995
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 31 Dec 2011, 13:08
Post #800

Membru autentic

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From: Buzau

Sa stapanesti sanatos masina, din poze pare a fi intretinuta.
Nu vreau sa-ti tai elanul,dar te-as sfatui sa o pastrezi cat mai originala,investind in consumabile si piese de calitate si vei fi mai multumit in timp decat de un tuning care peste putin timp nu va mai fi ''la moda''. Decizia iti apartine.

Dacia SuperNova/ Opel Astra Sports Tourer/ Lada 1200 Combi
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post 1 Jan 2012, 05:43
Post #801

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Multumesc frumos BoR da masina chiar e intretinua apartinea unu mos care nu mai poate sa mearga de 5 ani ca nu mai are carnetu si sa hotarat sa o dea are 600mii reali bani in consumabile am bagat de la buji la filtre benzina aer ulei etc tot mai am sai fac rezervoru si sa o duc la carbo test sa mil faca ala si sai bag gaz si gata biggrin.gif iar cu partea cu tuningu da ai dreptate insa no sa ii fac mare lucru tot originala o sa ramana asta e si ideea sa o las la fel numai sa dea mai bn ms mult biggrin.gif cheers.gif a si 10++ pentru masinuta ta super :X

This post has been edited by fezzyn: 1 Jan 2012, 05:45

DACIA Nova GT 1995
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post 1 Jan 2012, 22:30
Post #802

Membru autentic

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From: Buzau

Multumesc si eu pentru apreciere. Cred totusi ca masina are 60000km, iar din '95, asa cum e trecut in semnatura, e imposibil sa fie.
Sa te bucuri de ea si la multi ani alaturi de cei dragi in noul an!

Dacia SuperNova/ Opel Astra Sports Tourer/ Lada 1200 Combi
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post 3 Jan 2012, 19:58
Post #803

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multumesc la fel

DACIA Nova GT 1995
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post 5 Jan 2012, 14:17
Post #804

Severin Street Racing Team

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From: Drobeta Turnu-Severin

fezzyn, poti sami spui cum ai schimbat lumina la ceasuri ? unsure.gif

Dacia Nova GT 1997 - MH-04-KGW
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b 45 bwy
post 5 Jan 2012, 14:21
Post #805

Van driver

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si eu as fi interesat

Renault Laguna 2003 - Florin&bwy
Nova GT 1999
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post 5 Jan 2012, 20:39
Post #806

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http://www.daciaclub.ro/index.php?showtopic=2777&st=2250 cititi aici e tot progresu facut de mine si sper ca cat de curand sa revin cu niste poze pentru ace:D icon_mrgreen.gif

DACIA Nova GT 1995
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 6 Jan 2012, 19:37
Post #807

Severin Street Racing Team

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From: Drobeta Turnu-Severin

wow, mi-ai dat ideii biggrin.gif , anyway , cu ajutorul vostru am reusit weekendu` trecut sa imi schimb fetele de usi , o sa revin cu poze.

Dacia Nova GT 1997 - MH-04-KGW
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 7 Jan 2012, 00:14
Post #808

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ma bucur ca ti-am fost de folos biggrin.gif sper ca puii cat de curand niste poze sa vedem si noi ce a iesit alcoholic.gif biggrin.gif

DACIA Nova GT 1995
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 9 Jan 2012, 15:25
Post #809

Severin Street Racing Team

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From: Drobeta Turnu-Severin

pozele (scuze de calitatea pozelor sunt facute cu tel+ seara) laugh.gif
poate o sa mai fac altele intre timp smile.gif

p.s: nu stiu ce sa ma fac cu plasticele alea de la usi ex:cotiera de cand am cumparat masina arata ca naiba , am cautat prin oras la dezmembrari...etc si nu gasesc mellow.gif

This post has been edited by kgw.: 9 Jan 2012, 15:27

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IMAG0037.jpg ( Size: 1006.12k ) Number of downloads: 272
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IMAG0002.jpg ( Size: 993.7k ) Number of downloads: 205

Dacia Nova GT 1997 - MH-04-KGW
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 10 Jan 2012, 11:11
Post #810

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frumos poi gasesti la dezmembrari da parerea mea baga de supernova cel putin asa o sa fac eu is mai ok alea
a si data tiai facut bordu baga poze sa vedem cum tia iesi wink.gif

DACIA Nova GT 1995
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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