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> Stiri pe scurt, - auto electrice -

post 29 Oct 2020, 14:12
Post #1


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Am facut un topic separat, sa nu-l facem praf pe celalat cu noutatile despre masinile electrice. Atentie la regulile topicului!

CUGIR Albalux 11 1982 - B-11-LUX
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post 29 Oct 2020, 20:41
Post #2

Work smart not hard!

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Despre Dacia Șpring Tesla nonkiller

Whirpool ex Dacia Logan 2005 - B zzz SXX
Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil.
I have no time to battle egos and small minds.
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post 29 Oct 2020, 21:41
Post #3

n-am gasit cu dacia

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Cum adica spring si kwid au acelasi body???

Wtf aia de la indieni are 1 stea ncap..

On topic.

Pt copii


This post has been edited by wolfin: 29 Oct 2020, 21:42

pegas 3120 ... din 1980 si ceva. Urmeaza si 2020 - Curand de provincie
Scuze Mucix, am gasit altul"În fata unei boli esti precaut sau prost", o stai ..Bici zice ca o gasit a buna...mis un cane rau dar cu suflet mare
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post 30 Oct 2020, 00:05
Post #4


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QUOTE(wolfin @ 29 Oct 2020, 22:41)
Cum adica spring si kwid au acelasi body???

Wtf aia de la indieni are 1 stea ncap..


CUGIR Albalux 11 1982 - B-11-LUX
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post 30 Oct 2020, 06:46
Post #5

Work smart not hard!

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Aia de la indieni o avea o stea.
O mai întăresc pt Europa. A facut asta si Ford cu Ecosport. Aici are 4*, ala din India câte o avea ?

Whirpool ex Dacia Logan 2005 - B zzz SXX
Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil.
I have no time to battle egos and small minds.
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post 30 Oct 2020, 13:48
Post #6


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Mașinile electrice și hibride au avut o cotă de piață de 25.2% în Europa în luna septembrie, ocazie cu care acestea au depășit pentru prima oară în istoria Europei înmatriculările de mașini diesel, care au avut o cotă de piață de 24.8%

412280l.jpg ( Size: 213.53k ) Number of downloads: 2243

CUGIR Albalux 11 1982 - B-11-LUX
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post 29 Jan 2021, 11:32
Post #7

Membru autentic

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- - Ex. Megane 3 2009, Ex. Megane 2 Sedane 2005
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
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post 3 Feb 2021, 10:15
Post #8

Work smart not hard!

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Tesla a anunțat ca va rechema in service aproximativ 135.000 de mașini din gama Model S și Model X din cauza unor probleme touch-screen. Este cea mai mare operațiune de rechemare a constructorului auto condus de Elon Musk. (WSJ)

Care laudai mai demult metoda Tesla de lucru? Pune-l in masina si vedem noi daca tine?!

Whirpool ex Dacia Logan 2005 - B zzz SXX
Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil.
I have no time to battle egos and small minds.
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post 3 Feb 2021, 11:20
Post #9

fan Dacia

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https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars...best-selling-ev ZOE vinde mai mult ca tesla in Europa anul trecut.
La ce retea de service are tesla, os a fie niste cozi faine pentru rechemarea aia.

daca nu ai o toyota 4X4,ai gresit masina - negru pe alb
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post 5 Feb 2021, 16:59
Post #10

Membru autentic

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- - Ex. Megane 3 2009, Ex. Megane 2 Sedane 2005
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
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post 21 Feb 2021, 20:44
Post #11

Sports cars are difficult to justify, but easy to love

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Renault Megane 4 RS Trophy 300 EDC 2019
VW Tiguan R-Line 2023
Fiat 500 0.9 Twinair 2012
Renault Megane 2 1.5dci 2007
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post 2 Mar 2021, 12:24
Post #12

fan Dacia

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https://jalopnik.com/hyundais-kona-ev-recal...WaoGQmig0xI8Dio mai toate Hiunday Kona electrice au nevoie de baterii noi.... o sa cam coste.

daca nu ai o toyota 4X4,ai gresit masina - negru pe alb
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post 9 Mar 2021, 10:07
Post #13

fan Dacia

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https://www.electrive.com/2021/03/06/britis...source=linkedin Prima disciplina de motorsport care va alerga in aceiasi clasa cu masini termice si electrice (450 kW 1000Nm)

daca nu ai o toyota 4X4,ai gresit masina - negru pe alb
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post 11 Mar 2021, 09:05
Post #14

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Renault Laguna 2 Grandtour 2002 1.9 dci 120cp/88kw
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post 15 Mar 2021, 15:55
Post #15


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CUGIR Albalux 11 1982 - B-11-LUX
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post 16 Mar 2021, 10:47
Post #16

Membru autentic

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- - Ex. Megane 3 2009, Ex. Megane 2 Sedane 2005
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 16 Mar 2021, 11:44
Post #17

Captain of Black Pearl™…

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Dacia Duster 2010 1,6 16v 4Ś4 Laureaté Noir Nacré - RO 44 AWD
Fire, walk with me...in 4 strokes, water cooled.
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post 18 Mar 2021, 19:32
Post #18

Captain of Black Pearl™…

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From: partea mea: Drum bun!

Toyoya Aygo X Prologue

Dacia Duster 2010 1,6 16v 4Ś4 Laureaté Noir Nacré - RO 44 AWD
Fire, walk with me...in 4 strokes, water cooled.
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post 1 Apr 2021, 09:54
Post #19

fan Dacia

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Stelantis lanseaza utilitare cu hidrogen. Dar fiind motor electric si pila de combustie totelectrice sunt, doar ca nu pe baterie.

daca nu ai o toyota 4X4,ai gresit masina - negru pe alb
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 19 Apr 2021, 11:14
Post #20

Membru autentic

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- - Ex. Megane 3 2009, Ex. Megane 2 Sedane 2005
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 6 May 2021, 21:06
Post #21


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STUDIU: 19% dintre proprietarii de mașini electrificate s-au întors la un vehicul cu motor termic

Principalul motiv invocat a fost lipsa unei infrastructuri corespunzătoare. 70% dintre cei care au renunțat la mașina electrică nu aveau acces la o stație de încărcare Type 2 acasă.

This post has been edited by IRONICK: 6 May 2021, 21:07

CUGIR Albalux 11 1982 - B-11-LUX
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 21 May 2021, 11:38
Post #22

Membru autentic

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From: Marele sat numit Bucuresti

- - Ex. Megane 3 2009, Ex. Megane 2 Sedane 2005
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 26 May 2021, 14:44
Post #23

Membru autentic

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Tesla, vinovată pentru reducerea vitezei de încărcare a baterie:

This post has been edited by Highwayman: 26 May 2021, 14:44

- - Ex. Megane 3 2009, Ex. Megane 2 Sedane 2005
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 26 May 2021, 14:57
Post #24

fan Dacia

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Au avut ingineri de la apple, deh, obisnuinta.
https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fn...-lightning.html cea mai vanduta masina trece si ea la electric. Tesla are 1 milion de rezervari la cybertruck, sa vedem cand o aparea.

daca nu ai o toyota 4X4,ai gresit masina - negru pe alb
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post 1 Jun 2021, 22:35
Post #25

Membru autentic

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From: Jimbolia/Timisoara mai rar.

Renault Megane IV 1,33Tce 2021 Life
"Proștii se înmulțesc cînd cei înțelepți aleg să tacă"

Nelson Mandela
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post 4 Jun 2021, 09:42
Post #26


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From: Buzău, RO

O nouă eră începe pentru cutii de viteze cu trepte multiple pentru mașini electrice...


N-a durat așa mult..., era cam inevitabil...

Să ții aiurea motorul electric la turații foarte mari pentru viteze mari nu avea cum să țină la nesfârșit - optimizările încep să-și facă loc ca să scadă consumul la viteze mari.

Logan III Comfort ECO-G 100cp 2021 sedan - 27 Iul 2021
Logan III Comfort ECO-G 100, Bleu Iron, 16" Amaris, MediaNav, P. sc. încălz.+Climă, P. Comfort, P. Park. 2, volan piele, geam. el. sp.
ex Logan I 1.5
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post 4 Jun 2021, 09:47
Post #27

fan Dacia

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e mai buna, dar nu e neaparat necesara. Turatiile motorului electric nu conteaza pentru absolut nimic.

daca nu ai o toyota 4X4,ai gresit masina - negru pe alb
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post 4 Jun 2021, 10:59
Post #28

Work smart not hard!

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Pfuu, mai lipseste una cu derailleur ca la bicla

Whirpool ex Dacia Logan 2005 - B zzz SXX
Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil.
I have no time to battle egos and small minds.
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 5 Jun 2021, 19:15
Post #29

Membru incepator

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Toyota Avensis 2011
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post 7 Jun 2021, 12:47
Post #30

Membru autentic

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- - Ex. Megane 3 2009, Ex. Megane 2 Sedane 2005
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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