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> WRC si Reno!?

post 4 May 2006, 12:07
Post #1

Riders on the Storm

Group: Moderatori
Posts: 1.364
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From: Bucuresti/Botosani

Dupa o scurta cautare pe net....la categoriile WRC, WTCC si DTM.....nici urma de Reno.....Deci?

Reno M 2.1/CD 2005/1.6 16 V - B xx BOG
Ce este adevarul?, a aruncat sfidator Pilat din Pont, dar nu a asteptat raspunsul! (Bacon)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 4 May 2006, 12:08
Post #2

The Gotfather

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Deci..ce??? dry.gif

Audi A4 2.0T-200cp
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post 4 May 2006, 12:11
Post #3

Membru autentic

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Renault nu are treaba cu competitiile de acest gen,dar probabil ca daca incepe o discutie despre aceste competitii nu e cu suparare!
Zic eu!

3 japoneze 2 nemtoaice si cam atat
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 4 May 2006, 12:13
Post #4

Riders on the Storm

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From: Bucuresti/Botosani

Deci.....daca se cheama Renault Motor Sport......si nu gasim nici un reprezentant in cele trei......mai ales la DTM....ce se pune aici? Comentam de AMG Mercedes si Audi A 4? Daca era vorba de Renault Sport Megane Trophy mai intelegeam......

Reno M 2.1/CD 2005/1.6 16 V - B xx BOG
Ce este adevarul?, a aruncat sfidator Pilat din Pont, dar nu a asteptat raspunsul! (Bacon)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 4 May 2006, 12:19
Post #5


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From: Bucuresti

acum e mai bine ? biggrin.gif.

Toyota RAV4 2.0
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth," Oscar Wilde.
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 4 May 2006, 12:21
Post #6

Riders on the Storm

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Posts: 1.364
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From: Bucuresti/Botosani

He he...da....numai pe aia cu The fast and the furios....nu vrei sa o lansezi...ar prinde aici.... biggrin.gif

Reno M 2.1/CD 2005/1.6 16 V - B xx BOG
Ce este adevarul?, a aruncat sfidator Pilat din Pont, dar nu a asteptat raspunsul! (Bacon)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 4 May 2006, 16:06
Post #7

software engineer

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From: Viena, Austria

ha, ha!!!
Renault a participat la WRC in anii '90, cu Megane 1 coupé, asa ca nu mai fiti carcotashi. In alta ordine de idei, mai ales ca sectiunea se numeste acum Motor Sport, nu vad cu ce deranjeaza o asemenea sub-sectiune...
pana la urma, cititul nu e obligatoriu tongue.gif biggrin.gif

Revenind la WRC, nu era deloc rau ceea ce facea Renault in perioada respectiva, dar, din fericire, au considerat ca trebuie acordata mai multa atentie formulei 1.

Renault Megane 2(.1) C-C Dinamique, 2.0 16v 136cp, 2005 - GJ-01-SSP
Renault Laguna 3 2.0dCi, 150CP, 2008
and the best is still to come...
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 10 May 2006, 11:34
Post #8

Riders on the Storm

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Posts: 1.364
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From: Bucuresti/Botosani

Ia uite de ce am dat pe net....lucrat in photosop evident...dar misto ideea....

Attached thumbnail(s)
Reno_M_WRC.jpg ( Size: 38.35k ) Number of downloads: 528

Reno M 2.1/CD 2005/1.6 16 V - B xx BOG
Ce este adevarul?, a aruncat sfidator Pilat din Pont, dar nu a asteptat raspunsul! (Bacon)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 10 May 2006, 13:19
Post #9

software engineer

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From: Viena, Austria

Mda, ar fi interesant sa dezvolte ceva din CC, la fel ca Peugeot, insa nu cred sa se implice in WC in urmatorii ani. Cel putin nu cu Megane. Logan S2000 ar fi o treaba, insa biggrin.gif

Renault Megane 2(.1) C-C Dinamique, 2.0 16v 136cp, 2005 - GJ-01-SSP
Renault Laguna 3 2.0dCi, 150CP, 2008
and the best is still to come...
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 11 May 2006, 15:23
Post #10

Riders on the Storm

Group: Moderatori
Posts: 1.364
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From: Bucuresti/Botosani

Continuam cu exercitiul de imaginatie biggrin.gif

Reno_M_WRC_1.jpg ( Size: 12.69k ) Number of downloads: 408
Reno_M_WRC_2.jpg ( Size: 14.22k ) Number of downloads: 388
Reno_M_WRC_3.jpg ( Size: 12.5k ) Number of downloads: 501

Reno M 2.1/CD 2005/1.6 16 V - B xx BOG
Ce este adevarul?, a aruncat sfidator Pilat din Pont, dar nu a asteptat raspunsul! (Bacon)
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 11 May 2006, 16:40
Post #11

software engineer

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From: Viena, Austria

stopurile alea rup tot:D vreau si eu!!!

insa masina nu prea seamana cu nici un model renault actual...

Renault Megane 2(.1) C-C Dinamique, 2.0 16v 136cp, 2005 - GJ-01-SSP
Renault Laguna 3 2.0dCi, 150CP, 2008
and the best is still to come...
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 11 May 2006, 21:55
Post #12

Membru incepator

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Stimati domni, citind topicul, m-am gandit sa va cer parerea despre doamna megane din imagine??!!!
ce ziceti???

(salon auto versailles 2004)

Attached thumbnail(s)
DSCN1375_s.jpg ( Size: 52.5k ) Number of downloads: 404
DSCN1376_s.jpg ( Size: 56k ) Number of downloads: 254
DSCN1377_s.jpg ( Size: 58.21k ) Number of downloads: 250
DSCN1378_s.jpg ( Size: 45.57k ) Number of downloads: 211
DSCN1379_s.jpg ( Size: 58.67k ) Number of downloads: 250

rr rr rr
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 12 May 2006, 10:15
Post #13

software engineer

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From: Viena, Austria

E foarte frumoasa.
Eu am vazut-o la Salonul Auto de la Viena, anul acesta, adusa de o firma de tuning.

Cred ca s-ar potrivi mai bine aici , pentru ca e destul de greu de adaptat pentru WRC.

Renault Megane 2(.1) C-C Dinamique, 2.0 16v 136cp, 2005 - GJ-01-SSP
Renault Laguna 3 2.0dCi, 150CP, 2008
and the best is still to come...
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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post 24 Feb 2007, 19:17
Post #14


Group: Members
Posts: 111
Joined: 17 February 07
From: Baia Mare

reno e in jwrc si irc ,adica campionatul mondial junior wrc (care nu exista oficial anu asta) prin renault clio Super 1600.
sa nu uita de clio rs care merge la grupa A2000 intr-o gramada de campionate inclusiv la noi ,sau de cupa clio de clio V6,megane a mers in wrc pe vremea lui Ragnotti ,chiar o editye de clio sa numit asa

irc e campionatul european de raliuri

Renault 19 / Renault Megane Grandtour 2.1 1.7 injectie monopunct / 1.9DCI 120Hp
User is offlineGalerie FotoPM
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