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Felicitari inca o data echipei Renault. Comentariile sunt de prisos. Dupa cucerirea titlului la piloti, in ultimele 2 tururi Renault si-a demonstrat clasa castigandu-l si pe cel la constructori !

Ce sa mai comentezi...pur si simplu sunt cei mai buni smile.gif

Mi-a parut rau de fisichella in cursa din china...merita mai mult.

A facut o cursa magistrala reusind sa-i blocheze excelent pe cei de la mc laren (cei invinsi adica smile.gif --la toate capitolele smile.gif )...
Alonso canta la finalul cursei: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS !!!! Si asa a si fost. Renault au fost astazi CLAR peste McLaren, si in afara de decizia aia idioata a FIA cu penalizarea lui Fisico (de parca Kimi nu facuse EXACT la fel in Belgia), nu prea a putut nimeni sa stea langa ei astazi.

Fernando a demonstrat oricui se mai indoia de acest lucru ca titlul de anul asta nu a fost numai un accident. A fost evident ca si-a dorit extrem de mult victoria azi, ca sa termine la egal de victorii cu Kimi.

Inca o data, superb sezon si BRAVO RENAULT, bravo ALONSO (si chiar si BRAVO Fisichella, pe final si-a mai revenit).
Sunt HUGE fan McLaren..kiar daja imi kumpar zilele astea Renault..insa se mult norok...din kauza la motoare sparte si tovarashu Montoya...s-a skos..Renault...a fost bulan....per total...ekipa nu a demonstrat ceva klar...fatza de restu..insa au fost oportunisti si realisti...F1 e pe pe faze...k la fotbal..deci felicitari...insa nu batetzi trambitza tare....k ala anul o sa fie bukur k a redevenit misto sa ne ma uit din 90 la cei mai buni sa invinga..!
@Lexas, scrie tata pe romaneste ca a trebuit sa citesc de 3 ori ca sa inteleg cat de cat ce-ai vrut sa spui.
Eu cred ca cei de la McLaren au avut de ales intre fiabilitate si performanta, au ales pe cea de-a doua si au luat teapa, Renault a mers pe fiabilitate cu performante un pic mai mici si au castigat. Nu cred ca trebuie sa existe scuze ca au pierdut din cauza lui Montoya: nu i-a pus nimeni sa-l ia pe Montoya ca pilot, si-au facut-o cu mana lor, doar au vazut ca asta face gafe de cand e pilot in F1.

Felicitari Renaul cool.gif
QUOTE(Lexas @ Oct 16 2005, 11:04 AM)
Sunt HUGE fan McLaren..kiar daja imi kumpar zilele astea Renault..insa se mult norok...din kauza la motoare sparte si tovarashu Montoya...s-a skos..Renault...a fost bulan....per total...ekipa nu a demonstrat ceva klar...

Exista invinsi si invingatori si INVINGATORII au DEMONSTRAT ca sunt cei MAI BUNI.Sportul nu este numai spectacol(asta se crede numai in Romania inca) este stiinta de a specula punctele slabe ale adversarilor si McLaren a avut mai multe decat Renault.
Norocul este de cele mai multe ori de partea celor mai buni.Ca sa nu mai spun de Briatore care este un strateg excelent.
1.9 dCi
Renault este primul constructor de serie din lume, care castiga F1. Felicitari....
Desi sunt fan McLaren trebuie sa recunosc ca Renault a fost sezonul asta mult superior echipei McLaren. FELICITARI RENAULT si sper sa repete figura aceasta si la anul... Alte comentarii sunt de prisos. NUMBER ONE RENAULT biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Alonso - Renault

Alonso premiat in Spania
Partea interesanta este ca din cite am auzit (la TV ... nu TVR) cei de la Renault au pus in ultima cursa varianta noua imbunatatita a motorului pe cele doua masini ... saracul Kimi nu intelegea de ce al lui Mc Laren e asa de greoi si nu poate tine pasul cu cele doua Renaulturi.Au riscat,le-a iesit,felicitari.
La citigarea titlului (atit la piloti cit mai ales la constructori) au avut si noroc cu carul.Anul asta a avut noroc Renault ... la anul ce va fi vom vedea.
au folosit o varianta a motorului vechi (V10) cu unele modificari astfel incat sa reziste doar o cursa. Alonso a folosit motorul la maxim doar pana la prima oprire.
Felicitari Renault. Dar mie tot nu mi-au plecat greierasii din bord.
Interesant smile.gif

New Formula One milestone for Renault
French company enter a new era with title double

Renault have had an off-and-on involvement with Formula One racing for nearly 30 years. And, with the French team adding the 2005 constructors' title to Fernando Alonso's drivers' crown, they have marked themselves out as one of the sport's most successful competitors. They also become the first mainstream car company to win the championship with a works team.

Back in 1977 the idea that Renault would come to enjoy so much success would have seemed impossibly far-fetched. During their first Formula One season, Renault became something of a paddock joke as the spectacularly fragile Renault-Gordini turbo failed to finish in a single race. (It even earned the nickname ‘Yellow Teapot’ because of its tendency to sit smoking at the side of the track.)

Renault persevered. Turbo technology was still relatively young, and the company knew the rewards for getting it right would be massive amounts of power. In 1978 the team's sole car (driven by Jean-Pierre Jabouille) continued its losing streak by expiring at the first four races of the season. Yet, by the end of the year, its potential became increasingly clear with two P3 grid positions and a strong drive to fourth in the United States Grand Prix.

And Renault's persistence was rewarded in the following years. The company's first win came at the classic French Grand Prix at Dijon, scene of one of the most famous Formula One battles of all time. Jabouille took pole position and drove to an emotional victory - but behind him new team mate Rene Arnoux was involved in a spectacular battle for second place with Ferrari's Gilles Villeneuve, their cars passing and re-passing each other during the closing stages of the race. Villeneuve eventually prevailed - but the race had showed the rest of the sport that Renault had become a force to be reckoned with and several victories followed in subsequent seasons.

Renault then re-emerged in the late 1980s as an engine supplier to the Williams team. And it soon became clear that the company's powerplants were the class of the field - taking the 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 1997 constructors' championships and helping to land five drivers' titles as well. The winning streak ended only when Renault withdrew from official engine supply at the end of 1997, although it continued to supply teams with a customer-spec engine under several different names.

Now we're in the middle of Renault's third age in the sport. Having purchased and rebranded the Benetton team in 2002, they have become the first of the new age of manufacturer-owned teams to win both the Drivers' and Constructors' championships. Much of this is down to Renault's vast investment in the team and the strength of the core staff it inherited from Benetton. But a large part of the success is undoubtedly the responsibility of team principal Flavio Briatore and his charismatic style of management. One of the best judges of talent in the paddock, Briatore has assembled a brilliant set of technical managers to match the talents of his on-track protege, Fernando Alonso.

There's still room for improvement, of course. While Alonso has been bathed in glory this year, team mate Giancarlo Fisichella has had a more frustrating season. But with Renault's appetite for success, Briatore's leadership and Alonso's towering abilities, there's no reason to suppose that we're not entering a new era in the history of Formula One racing.
Forza McLaren au motoare Mercedes..sau l altceva..partea a 2a..insa...bravo la kashtigat..a fost anul lor...kand pierdem...k si la kashtig..tre sa rekunoashtem..
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