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Full Version: Un filmulet dedicat tuturor pilotilor de F1
DaciaClub - Forum Dacia > Alte discutii > Motor Sport > Formula 1
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Filmul este cu adevarat tulburator. Odihneasca-se in pace.
Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca! ... sunt inmarmurit dupa ce am vazut acest filmulet! sad.gif
Un film unele faze mai mai s-a plang sad.gif...Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca in pace !
E prima oara cand vad accidentul lui Senna.
Nu am vrut sa-l vad pana acum.
Tin minte ca am plans pe 1 mai 1994 cand a murit...
A fost cel mai bun si nu va fi egalat nicicand!
Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca!
Un singur lucru nu inteleg. La accidentul llui Gilles Villneuve(stiu ca nu e corect scris) cine a fost de vina? El sau cel in care a intrat?
Pai teoretic el a fost de vina, nu ala in care a intrat. A avut viteza, celalalt mergea mai incet (poate prea incet) si l-a trosnit.

Pe mine m-a socat cel mai mult accidentul in care un pilot incerca sa-l salveze pe altul din flacari si toti comisarii de cursa o "frecau" pe margine. Poate ca el avand costumul si casca era mai protejat de flacari si avea curaj sa faca ceva, dar comisarii nu prea au facut mare lucru.

Se pare ca Sena a fost ultimul care a murit in F1. Un mare pilot, era idolul meu. sad.gif
Supapa_jR tulburator...foarte tulburator.... plange.gif wacko.gif nu credeam ca e uitam de plictiseala....dar cred ca si melodia aia e de vina.... ! RIP !
Intr-adevar cele mai durereoase sunt scenele de neputinta ale celor cuprinsi de flacari. Cine stie, poate ar mai fi avut o sansa daca erau scosi de acolo. Un sport periculos, un pret prea mare platit de ei ca sa aiba cei de azi o sansa in oricand se poate intampla o astfel de tragedie.
Totusi de la accidentul lui Senna, s-a sporit considerabil securitatea pilotilor. Multi plang ca s-a pierdut din spectacol insa prefer sa vad o cursa monotona decat una spectaculoasa cu morti si raniti.
Emotionant, intr-adevar! Au fost niste eroi!

Ma intreb oare cati dintre pilotii din ziua de azi ar avea curajul sa se dea la curse cu masinile din trecut?

Impresionant într-adevăr...
Cutremurator cat suflet puteau pune unii oameni incercand sa-i scape pe ceilalti. Extrem de sensibil acest film. Are cineva idee de un pot face rost de inregistrari ale curselor din anii anteriori? In special cursa cu Senna?
ohmy.gif chiar tulburator, mai ales faza in care o masina il "agatza" pe unul dintre cei care voiau sa salveze viatza pilotului in pericol ! GATA !! Limitatorul il pun la 50 , cel putin saptamana asta ! Dumnezeu sa ii odihneasca !
Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca in pace, atat pe piloti cat si pe cei care au murit ca urmare a accidentelor (comisari si spectatori).
E imbucurator ca de la accidentul lui Senna nu au mai fost accidente fatale pentru piloti, insa daca imi aduc bine aminte incidente au mai fost - la Monza a murit un comisar lovit de o roata desprinsa...
Sunt pentru solutiile de siguranta, chiar daca asta inseamna reducerea spectacolului - pana la urma vrem sa vedem curse, nu imagini cu piloti kamikadze.

"Pryce was killed in, what is described by many as, one of the most bizarre accidents in the history of Formula 1. A few years earlier Roger Williamson was killed during the 1973 Dutch Grand Prix at Zandvoort when Williamson got trapped inside his burning car and safety marshalls were extremely slow to cross the track while the race was in progress.

At the end of lap 21 of the Grand Prix at Kyalami, South Africa, on March 5, 1977, Pryce's teammate, Renzo Zorzi, retired his Shadow with a split fuel pipe which had caused a small, but harmless, fire. Zorzi's car was parked in a blind brow but two teenaged marshals stationed on the opposite side of the track were told by one of their superiors to cross to extinguish the fire. At that moment, Pryce and the March of Hans-Joachim Stuck suddenly appeared, nearly side-by-side. Stuck's car passed behind the first marshal and ahead of the second marshal, 19 year old Jansen Van Vuuren. Pryce however could not avoid Van Vuuren, hitting him at high speed and killing the marshal instantly. The impact seemed to have only minimal influence on Pryce's car, only slightly damaging its front wing. However, the fire extinguisher Van Vuuren was carrying struck Pryce on the head; the impact tore off Pryce's helmet and nearly decapitated him, killing him instantly. Pryce's car continued down the straight track, gradually slowing down and verging to the right. Jacques Laffite, who was unsure what was going on, moved alongside as the two cars approached Crowthorne, at that point Pryce's car skidded off the barriers, back on the track again, where it hit Laffite's Ligier, taking Laffite out of the race but not injuring him. As for Van Vuuren, the injuries to his body were extremely severe. He was identified only by exclusion, after the race director summoned all of the race marshalls and Van Vuuren could not be found"

....daca va vine sa credeti asa ceva....
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