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Desi se discuta peste tot in forumul F1, cred ca acest mare pilot merita un topic separat.

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Oricare ar fi rezultatele finale in campinatul din acest an, Michael paraseste Formula 1 detinand aproape toate recordurile. Pana acum, a castigat 7 titluri modiale in Campionatul Pilotilor si a participat la obtinerea a tot atatea titluri in cel al Constructorilor. A luat parte in 247 Grand Prix-uri de Formula 1 (178 din ele la volanul Ferrari), a castigat 90 (71), a fost in pole position de 68 (58 ) de ori, a realizat cele mai rapide ture de 75 (52) de ori. In total a acumulat 1354 puncte, din care 1051 in masina din Maranello. Nimeni altcineva nu a reusit asta pana acum in lumea motor-sportului.

Dupa decizia luata astazi, singurul record pe care nu il va avea va fi numarul de starturi. Va ajunge la 250, cu doar 6 mai putin decat recordul detinut de Riccardo Patrese.

Schumacher a fost cu Scuderia Ferrari 11 sezoane, o demonstratie de loialitate fara egal in F1.

"I-am spus intotdeauna ca decizia sa se retraga o va lua singur, insa acum, ca decizia a fost luata, simt o urma de tristete." a comentat Luca di Montezemolo, Presedintele Ferrari si CEO. "Am trecut impreuna prin momente de neuitat, unele bue, altele rele, obtinand rezultate care vor fi greu de egalat. Spre Michael pleaca toate multumirile celor din companie si ale fanilor, pentru dedicatia pe care a aratat-o echipei, pentru determinarea si curajul cu care a lucrat, care au adus mari satisfactii. Este sincer si pasionat si si-a castigat afectiunea tuturor de aici. Relatia sa cu maranello va continua, desi intr-o alta forma, si din acest punct de vedere sunt foarte fericit."

"Michael este autorul unui fasciant capitol in istoria Formulei 1, si a Ferrari in particular." a spus Jean Todt."Este un om exceptional si va deveni o legenda ca pilot. Pentru mine personal, este un bun prieten, si impreuna am trait clipe irepetabile. Lucrand alaturi de el a fost si va fi in continuare un privilegiu."


Asa cum este traditia, la sfarsitul acestui an, Ferrari va anunta noua organizare a echipei, care de asemenea va include si o definire a rolului lui Michael Schumacher.

PS Fanii Ferrari pot sa completeze cu informatii mai detaliate, daca este cazul. Desi nu am fost un fan al lui Michael, i-am apreciat talentul.
Informatii detaliate nu am acum, sint prea trist, desi stiam ca va veni ziua asta.
Singurul lucru pe care mi-l mai doresc acum e sa ia al 8-lea titlu, si sa fac rost de o sapca Ferrari cu 8 World Champions.
Multumesc Schumi pentru tot!
Conferinta de presa in care si-a anuntat retragerea


1. Michael SCHUMACHER (Ferrari), 1h14m51.975s 2. Kimi RAIKKONEN (McLaren Mercedes), 1h15m00.021s 3. Robert KUBICA (BMW), 1h15m18.389s


Q: Michael, an amazing day, a great start alongside Nick Heidfeld, taking second place early on and an emotional scene there on the podium.

Michael SCHUMACHER: Yeah, it's been a very special day and to finish it in this style as we have been doing today, looking at the championship as well, but much more at what's going to happen somehow in future. There's been a lot of discussion for a long time concerning my future and so on and I think all the fans, all the people interested in motor sport, they have a right to have explained to them what's going to happen. I'm sorry it may have taken longer than some of you wanted but you have to savor a moment, and you have to find the right moment and we feel this is the right moment.

To make it short in a way, this is going to be my last Monza race that I'm going to do. At the end of this year, I've decided, together with the team, that I'm going to retire from racing. It has been an exceptional, really exceptional time, what motor sport has given to me in more than thirty years. I've really loved every single moment of the good and the bad times. Those ones make life so special.

In particular, I should thank my family, starting, obviously, with my Dad, my passed-away Mum and obviously my wife and my kids who, at all times, supported what I was doing, and without their support, without their strengths, to survive in this business and this sport, and to perform, I think would have been impossible, and obviously I can't be thankful enough, obviously to my family but also to my mates from the Benetton time and obviously, specially in the Ferrari days when I have made so many friends. I have so many great guys in that team and it has been a really tough decision to decide to not work together at this level with all my friends, my engineers, everybody. They are just so great but one day, the day has to come and I felt that at one point that this is the moment as well as, in terms of timing the decision, I thought that it was fair to find that moment so that Felipe has a chance to decide his future, because I think he is a very great guy. He has been doing a very good job for the team, very supportive, a really great teammate, and there was a moment for him to decide for his future, and there was no point for me to take my decision any later than his decision had to be taken and this was the conclusion.

As well as in a way my future replacement, it's a driver - at some stage the team will tell you - but I was always pleased and I knew a long time ago - to hear that he was the person, and now I would just like to concentrate on these last three wins and finish it in style, and hopefully with the championship, we have made a big step today for that and I really look forward, and I want to thank everybody who has been on my way, or supporting me at all stages. They have been a lot of people. Thank you very much.

Q: I'm sure everybody in Formula One wishes you well on that decision, Michael. Just looking back to this great win today, what were your thoughts when you were behind Kimi in those early stages?

Schumacher: Well, I was hoping that he was stopping a little bit earlier than we would, and so it happened, and the nature of this track is that if you stop earlier you obviously lose out because you run heavy against a car which is light, and that was enough to get by.

Q: Thereafter, it looked to be a race you were in control of. A slight moment with Scott Speed, going into the chicane on lap 31, you lost a little bit of time there, but otherwise relatively troublefree.

Schumacher: Yeah. Absolutely.

Q: Kimi, a great start, pressure from Michael in the early stages of the race.

Kimi RAIKKONEN: Umm. Yeah. The start worked very well. I was a little bit concerned about our starting, because the previous starts haven't been exactly good, but the guys did an excellent job fixing the start system and everything worked well. I had a good start and I was just trying to go as fast as I could before the first pit stop, because I was thinking that they might stop a little bit later, so if I could pull out any gap, any chance we could have to try and fight for a win, but as it turned out, we were not quick enough today. But second was quite easy, so in the end I just slowed down and brought the car home and got second place. Unfortunately that was the maximum that we could have today, but it is still a good weekend.

Q: Robert, on the podium, third place in your third Grand Prix, a fantastic drive, a lot of fuel in the car, and unbelievably quick off the line with your teammate Nick Heidfeld.

Robert KUBICA: I'm really surprised to finish third. We knew that we had good tyres this time for the race, not only for qualifying as happened in Istanbul so we were concerned about qualifying, but when we saw that we could be competitive in qualifying as well, and go easily into third qualifying, I knew that we would have quite a consistent car for the race and that's what happened. Good start, unfortunately I locked my wheels in the first corner and I flat-spotted my tyres, so I got a lot of vibration. Then we changed the tyres and it was always a tough race because I had to fight with Felipe and Alonso and also lapping doesn't help me because I was the first one of the group who was lapping and I always lost a second. Then we just came out of the second pit stop with Fernando, side-by-side. Anyway, he blew up the engine and it was really risky because there was oil. Felipe went through and I think he got a puncture or something and then the end of the race was quite easy for me, just bring the car home and the first podium of my life in Formula One.

Q: Michael, tell us about your mindset now as you look ahead to those three closing races in the championship, now only two points behind Fernando Alonso.

Schumacher: I think it is very easy to say what my mindset is. It's not right to say, I'm more focused than ever because I've always been focused on only one thing once I'm in the car, so it is now. It's a championship which started difficult in the beginning, but we returned to it after another difficulty mid-season and now we are two points behind with three races to go, so if I look back to Canada, nobody would have thought we could be in that position. Now we are, due to some luck, but if you look at the retirements over the year, it's now equal and there we are, so 100 percent focused for the Constructors' and Drivers' championship.


Q: Michael, one of the things I think you like doing most is standing on the top step of a rostrum on a sunny Sunday afternoon, and today was probably one of the best. How are going to give it up?

Schumacher: Yeah, Monza is just unbelievable, always has been very special particularly after the race when all the fans are allowed to celebrate this moment so close to us and with us and due to the nature of the circumstances, it's obviously an unbelievable feeling that I had out there today.

Q: You said to Peter just now that you knew a long time ago who was going to be driving in the team next year, so how difficult has it been for you to make your decision?

Schumacher: It has obviously, naturally, been difficult in a way but at one moment I simply knew that all the effort, all the energy, all the motivation you need in order to be competitive - and that's the only reason I want to be here - I can't see I'm going to have that for further years. It has been such a good time for all this time and there's no point just to hang in there and maybe take away the future of a very young talented driver like Felipe. Obviously my replacement... I was aware of this for quite a long time, but with Felipe it was obviously around Indianapolis that his future had to be decided and I didn't see a reason to just hang in there and maybe take away his opportunity and I believe he's a very talented and great person.

Q: You still have that competitive instinct, how are you going to get rid of it?

Schumacher: Well, we will have to see. I always said that the day I will retire, I will just do nothing for a while and then I will see what I'm doing, what is my mood and what's going to happen, but I will always be part of that Ferrari family, I will have to find out how, but I will always stick with my friends there.

Q: Today's race: in the early stages were you just holding station behind Kimi, were you quite happy with that position?

Schumacher: There isn't much sense to go much closer honestly, because you just start fighting the car much harder for not much gain, so I had to wait close to the pit stop time and then we both picked up the lap times and tried to stay as close as possible and luckily I had two extra laps and that worked out.

Q: No problem with the car today?

Schumacher: No.

Q: How difficult will these future races be do you think, now that you've made your decision?

Schumacher: I think this was my most tough one, in a way but it worked out fine. It's not as if I'm lacking anything to make my decision, and this is the reason for it. I don't want to be going away when I'm well over it and I want to leave while I'm still at the top level, so I don't have any reason to have a problem for the last three races.

Q: Kimi, a little bit disappointed?

Raikkonen: Yeah, of course you want to win but unfortunately we didn't have the speed today. The car was working well, it was nice to drive but it was just not quick enough to challenge Michael today. Second was easy, but that's not what we want but anyhow it was a good weekend.

Q: And your feelings about joining Ferrari next year?

Raikkonen: Of course, it's next year. I want to finish this year as well as I can. I'm happy to join a team with a history and all the great things, but first of all I want to finish this year as well as I can and then see what happens next year.

Q: Robert, what a fantastic result in only your third Grand Prix; could you ever have imagined that at the start of this year?

Kubica: No. For me it was already a really great opportunity which BMW Sauber gave me to be a test driver, and then, as everybody knows, I replaced Jacques in the Hungarian Grand Prix and this is my third Grand Prix. In Hungary, I scored points but unfortunately our car was too light. Here: podium, which we were not expecting. After qualifying we thought about some points but when you're starting on the third row and you have two Renaults behind you, which are really strong... After the start, I was third I think. I had the Ferrari of Massa behind me and it was not easy to hold him but anyway, I think we had a good strategy, good car and thanks to the team for giving me such a good opportunity and thanks to our guys.

Q: And a big battle with Nick at the first corner?

Kubica: It was big? After the start, I knew that it was important to go out of the first chicane really well so he went in too quick, I got on the throttle earlier and just overtook him.


Q: (Dan Knutson - National Speed Sport News) Michael, when exactly did you decide to retire?

Schumacher: In Indianapolis.

Q: (Juha Paatalo - Financial Times Deutschland) Michael, how emotional is this moment for you?

Schumacher: It was obviously pretty emotional to take the lap back after the race. I was talking to my team and informed everybody of my decision and probably this was the most emotional moment along with being on the podium to celebrate and at that moment knowing it's the last opportunity I would have to finish so well with such a crowd with so much they gave to me in terms of their feeling and it just overwhelmed me.

Q: (Juha Paatalo - Financial Times Deutschland) Kimi, can you describe the reasons why you chose Ferrari as your future team?

Raikkonen: There are many reasons. I have had five years at McLaren and they are a great team and nice people to work with, but in the end I wanted something else and there were only two choices - to stay with McLaren or to go to Ferrari and for me personally I wanted to go there one day and this was the best moment and I think it is a great team to join and there will be people I will miss in McLaren, but that's how it goes. Sometimes you want something in your life.

Q: (Matthias Brunner - Motorsport Aktuell) Michael, you said you decided at Indy. Does that mean you informed the team at Indy?

Schumacher: Immediately after Indy, yes. I informed the team as well then.

Q: How much did you involve the team. Was there any discussion or was it your decision alone?

Schumacher: The team left me every opportunity and every door open. Obviously I have a lot of friends there and naturally we discussed the up and the down sides and so on, but in the end of the day it was Corinna and myself.

Q: Mr Schumacher I have a question: may I get you for a one-to-one interview?

Schumacher: Nice try. Promised it already.

Q: (Marco Evangilisti - Corrriere dello Sport) Kimi, are you somehow concerned at taking the place of the most winning driver of all time?

Raikkonen: Not really. It's a nice place to go and of course the team will expect a lot but in the end I also expect a lot from myself and I want to win and this is different again to McLaren where there was Mika world champion twice and wasn't easy then and it will not be easy this time and I will go there and do my best and hopefully it will be enough for everybody.

Q: (Livio Oricchio - O Estado de Sao Paulo) Michael, do you have an idea what you are going to do with your life?

Schumacher: I said before, no,.part of it will be to keep a relationship with Ferrari and we will talk about that before the end of the year but now the focus is on the last three races so now will look after that.

Q: (Matthias Brunner - Motorsport Aktuell) Michael, there was one part of the unilateral that I didn't quite understand when you said you first waited for the decision about Felipe before then making up your mind. What did you mean exactly?

Schumacher: Maybe it was misunderstood. I said that he had a point of decision around that time that he had to go and he needed to know from my side what my decision was going to be -- at that moment my future was to retire so there was a chance for him to negotiate.

Q: Michael you said for months and for years that you will decide to stop when it was no pleasure anymore or you are not so competitive anymore? Is that the case? One of these two things?

Schumacher: No, there is another reason that developed and I explained that before.

Q: (Bob McKenzie - The Daily Express) Michael, you look competitive at the moment with no sign or any deterioration in your driving. Was there any thought of going on for another year against Kimi and to see how it went?

Schumacher: Well you can see what I am able to do now. It was not really a thought. You need all the energy and motivation and strength and getting older does not make it easier. And to keep that for a whole year and go on. I just could not see that I had this. I had no need to worry for anybody, I guess, and I thought it would be nicer at this point than when you are at the other end.

Q: (Bob McKenzie - The Daily Express) How much discussion did you have with Corinna and did she support your decision?

Schumacher: It is natural with the relationship I have with Corinna that we discuss every little thing and the good thing as I mentioned before is that without the support of my family and in particular Corinna all these years I don't think I could have done it so naturally she supported me in my decision as well. She gave me her point of view and we discussed it, but there was no time when she went in another direction. She simply helped me take my decision.

Q: (Michael Schmidt - Auto Motor und Sport) Michael you said it became harder to find the motivation and the energy to be at the top level...

Schumacher: That is not true... I can see it becoming harder. I don't see I am going to have that in future.

Q: (Michael Schmidt - Auto Motor und Sport) Well what is it that takes the most energy out of you? Is it the traveling? Is it the pressure? The expectations of the people? What is the toughest to take?

Schumacher: I don't know and I don't really want to think about it too much. If you forgive me, it is not really a good time for me to enter into every little detailed area of my decision and answer these questions because - and I hope you can understand me - I really want to focus on the championship. I think I gave you basically what I am pretty sure of and I tried to express myself as well as I could. But I don't think I really want to, from now on, go any deeper into it.

Q: (Heikke Kulta - Turun Sanomat) Kimi, three years contract with Ferrari... How quickly do you expect to become a world champion?

Raikkonen: I have been expecting it to happen already so you never know what will happen but for sure we try next year again and hopefully we can do it, but there are so many things that can go wrong or right so we just need to work as hard as we can and I have full confidence that the team will give me a very good car so we will see what happens next year.

Q: (Takeharu Kusuda - Lapita Magazine) Mr Kubica, can you tell us about the key to your success in getting a third position in your first year?

Kubica: What key? I have a good car, a competitive car, we didn't make any mistakes choosing the tyres as we have done in Istanbul. We had good ones for qualifying, but not for the race and this time I concentrated with the team to choose the right tyres for the race and the key I think was qualifying. I could qualify better, but unfortunately I made some small mistakes at Lesmo, and for us anyway third row was really good with the tyres that we had and we knew we had a lot of fuel compared to the others and with the good start that we always had in Hungary and in Turkey I hoped to win some positions. We won more positions at the start than we expected and then it was just to keep the pace and the pace was good. Maybe the second and third stint could have been quicker but you know when you are third and there are still some laps to go and you are third in the third Grand Prix of your life you are not pushing really, you just want to stay on the track and to bring the car home to the finish line and I think it was a really good race for me and for all the team and we were not expecting it. Some of my team told me they wanted to see me on the podium before the car went to the grid. I took it like a joke, but it happened so we are really proud of it.

Q: (Carole Capitaine - L'Equipe) Michael do you think Ferrari will continue to be so strong without you?

Schumacher: Ferrari existed before and Ferrari will exist after and I think Ferrari has taken a very good decision with their driver line-up to make sure that the success can continue.

Q: (Juha Paatalo - Financial Times Deutschland) Michael, can you imagine your life without Formula One?

Schumacher: I don't need to do that right now. We shall see afterwards. It is difficult to answer that now.

Q: (Dan Knutson - National Speed Sport News) When did you decide that Ferrari was the better of your two options?

Raikkonen: It doesn't matter when I took my decision. It is just that decision that I took in the end.

Q: (Anthony Rowlinson - Autosport) Is there one rival who stands out as your toughest competitor over the last 15 seasons?

Schumacher: I think the nicest battles I had were with Mika in the end -- always at a very high level without any animosities, pure racing.

Q: (James Deakin - F1 Racing) Michael, seven times world champion, every conceivable significant statistic you've got, any regrets? Anything you wish you could change?

Schumacher: Yes, sure I have them. But I am not in the mood to go through them now.

Q: (Stephane Barbe - L'Equipe) Michael how much do you think you will be distracted in the final three races by this decision?

Schumacher: I don't think the pressure is going to be high, as I told you, I explained and expressed myself and if you understood me then you know that what is most important is the championship. I will keep every focus to that and everything that has to be done to do that I will do. I am not getting into this subject any more. I will express myself once here this weekend and then I am not talking about it anymore I am just going to be focused.

Q: (Niki Takeda - Formula PA) Michael, what went through your mind when you crossed the finishing line?

Schumacher: Many things, many things. Particular about the team all the great friends there and I was talking the whole lap to them.

Q: (James Roberts - Motorsport News) What is the greatest thing you will miss?

Schumacher: Excuse me...(sighs)

Q: (Mattias Brunner - Motorsport Aktuell) How much did last year's difficult season influence your decision?

Schumacher: Not really, because I did not see that that would happen again because we learned our lesson and I am very sure that next year they will have a car that is going to be highly-competitive.
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Nu pot sa vad inca relatarea conferintei de presa, parca a zis ca se retrage din motorsport nu numai din F1. S-ar parea ca nu o sa-l vedem, ca si pe alti, prin altfel de campionate inferioare, DTM, WTCC, Indy sau altele. Ma gandesc ca poate vine ca si manager de echipa, director tehnic sau asa ceva in F1. La banii lui probabil n-are nevoie de slujba, dar microbul F1 poate il va rechema in lumea sportului. Poate ar fi avut 9 titluri de campion daca, i-ar fi iesit pasenta cu Villeneuve si daca nu si-ar fi rupt piciorul sau 6 titluri daca n-ar fi intrat in Damon Hill. Sau poate daca Senna ar fi trait ar fi avut si mai putine.
N-am fost fanul lui dar l-am admirat si sincer imi pare rau ca Marele Circ pierde un mare gladiator al sau. In momentul anuntului ca se retrage si ca va sta de acum cu familia, am simtit ca am imbatrinit un pic, am aceasi varsta ca si el. In spatele cuvintelor parca ar fi spus, am imbatranit, am obosit ma duc sa ma odihnesc in sanul familiei. Interesant este ca a spus despre Massa ca despre urmasul lui la Ferrari, pilotul numarul 1.
Sunt foarte curios ce se va intampla cu Ferrari dupa retragerea lui, va fi la fel de competitiva sau va deveni ce a fost inainte de Schumi. Atunci vom sti cu adevarat cat de bun a fost.
A aparut conferinta de presa in timp ce postam, se retrage doar din curse dar va mentine legatura cu Ferrari. Va fi un viitor boss de echipa, manager de piloti, etc. A facut multe remarci pozitive pt Felipe.
Dupa ziua de ieri am ramas cu un gust amar in suflet, F1 va fi mult mai saraca de la anul. Mare pilot Michael Schumacher!
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sad.gif Schummy forever! sad.gif
Sa ne consolam cu gandul ca il mai putem vedea la treaba inca 3 curse. Tristetea e normala, eu unul n-am mai fost bun de nimic ieri. Daca insa gandim cu capul si nu cu inima, ne dam seama ca pentru el e cea mai buna decizie. Mult mai dureros ar fi fost sa iasa din Formula 1 pe usa din spate, asa cum au facut-o Villneuve sau Montoya. Stiu ca e fortata comparatia, insa 38 de ani e o varsta... ca sa ai aceleasi performante ca un pilot de 20 de ani, trebuie sa muncesti poate dublu.
Ne va lipsi saltul de pe podium, ocheadele ironice la adresa masinilor adversarilor, dirijatul imnului, etc insa va fi mereu in inimile noastre.
Ma opresc aici, chiar daca deja am depasit granita ridicolului, cum ar spune un distins coleg.

Viata merge inainte... Schumi va ramane in sufletul fanilor forever, un pilot aparte, cu bune si rele. La anul Kimi la Ferrari, va avea posibilitatea sa-si arate cu adevarat clasa, pentru ca , recunosc, Ferrari este peste McLaren. Abia astept sa-mi schimb poza din avatar wink.gif
Da, Kimi mi se pare cel mai potrivit succesor. Si se pare ca Massa a dat-o iar in bara laugh.gif
Massa a derapat pe uleiul scurs din motorul lui Alonso wink.gif
Nu are ce sa-si reproseze smile.gif
Eu ziceam de viitorul lui in cadrul echipei. Cu Kimi coechipier, n-o sa aiba niciodata sanse reale la titlu.
Regret plecarea lui Schummi din F1, dar ii admir taria de a pleca cu fruntea sus, in plina glorie. Dovedeste inca multa energie si competivitate!
daca Felipe va fi cel putin la fel de reapid ca si Kimi are sanse sa beneficieze de sprijinul total al echipei..., in plus de asta pare a-l avea in coltul sau pe Schumi care s-ar putea sa mai aiba un cuvant greu de spus la ferrari, cel putin in anii urmatori. are imensul avantaj, in fata lu kimi, ca el cunoaste masina..., ca va fi singurul din primii 3 de anul acesta care nu schimba nimik...(va fi si fisico care va avea un cuvant de spus, desi... in ultimele curse a demonstrat doar ca poate fi "reliable" - adica aduce puncte acasa...)

referitor la retragerea lui schumi..., omul asta face totul premeditat... ieri dupa cursa, l-a fact pe luca di montezemolo sa vina la el..., si de aceea cred ca schumi a fost usor dar sigur impins spre retragere... in conferinta de presa el a spus ca Massa depindea de el... nu Kimi, a incercat din rasputeri sa lase un testament oficial la ferrari, si sa obtina sustinerea cel putin egala a celor doi piloti in anul urmator... deci e clar ca pentru kimi sunt altii , cel putin la fel de grei care trag de dupa declaratiile de pana acum cred ca este chiar luca di montezemolo, care dupa moartea celor doi "monstri sacri" ai familiei agneli s-a trezit in brate cu o putere uriasa in italia, si nu numai. Acesta, din cate stiu eu, nu s-a ferit niciodata de la declaratii de apreciere si afectiune fata de kimi, asta incepand cu 2003, cand kimi, un pusti pe atunci, a intrat in lupta pentru titlu...

oricum, decizia de retragere era una logica, si de asta schumi nu prea duce lipsa..., sper sa nu aibe soarta lui Zidane.
Michael Schumacher va lucra pentru Ferrari și în 2007

Michael Schumacher va lucra pentru Ferrari și după ce se va retrage din postul de pilot, a anunțat ieri echipa italiană. „La sfîrșitul anului, ca de obicei, vom anunța noua organizare a echipei noastre, care va ține cont de definirea noului rol al lui Michael”, a anunțat Ferrari într-un comunicat. „Colaborarea lui Schumacher cu Maranello va continua, chiar dacă sub altă formă, și sînt foarte fericit pentru asta”, a declarat Luca di Montezemolo, președintele Ferrari (foto, alături de Schumi).

„Michael nu ne părăsește, rămîne implicat la Ferrari. Vom da detalii despre responsabilitățile sale la finalul sezonului”, a spus și Jean Todt. Michael Schumacher a ajuns la Ferrari în 1996 și a reușit majoritatea performanțelor sale cu această echipă: 5 din cele 7 titluri mondiale, 71 din cele 90 de victorii, 58 din cele 68 de pole-position-uri și 177 din cele 246 de starturi luate într-un mare premiu de Formula 1.

Sursa: gsp
Ce am avut de spus am spus si pe alte topicuri, si in plus as mai adauga doar cate ceva...

Schumacher va ramane cel mai bun si cel mai iubit de fani in pofida faptului ca "nu are sportivitate" in el dupa spusele unora, sau ca este un om de tot rah$%& dupa altii...

Kimi are sustinere la Ferrari, ca si Massa, si e posibil sa asistam la un alt capitol mare ptr. Ferrari.... Ambii piloti sunt tineri, Kimi e foarte talentat, Massa cunoaste masina si chichitele din cadrul echipei, asa ca e posibil ca plecarea lui MS sa fie urmata nu de un declin ci de o continuare a succeselor scuderiei...

Pana la final mai e putin, si dupa cum spunea si Paul, dupa sfarsitul campionatului sper sa-mi cumpar o sapca cu 8 titluri pe ea...

Indiferent cine va veni la Ferrari, eu tot voi iubi scuderia si voi aprecia pilotii momentului respectiv, insa pilotul vesnic in minte si-n suflet va ramane Michael Schumacher!
In suflet mai mult decit Schumi va ramine vesnic Senna.
Dar ma bucur ca am fost contemporan cu un mare campion.
de pe

The curtain falls

Although everyone has been talking about it all weekend, it is still hard to accept that Michael Schumacher has called time on his F1 career.

Our careers have overlapped; I started in 1990, he made his debut at Spa in 1991.

It feels like a very long time ago that he burst onto the scene at Spa in the green 7Up Jordan, because it is a long time - 250 races.

I’ll never forget standing at the top of Eau Rouge during Friday qualifying (as it was then) with veteran journalist Denis Jenkinson.

We had no diamond vision screens then but Jenks reeled off the top five as he saw it, based on their speed from La Source and through Eau Rouge. He had Schumacher fifth behind Senna, Mansell, Patrese and Berger and he was right of course.

The Jordan looked amazing and it was this 22-year-old called Michael Schumacher at the wheel.

Jenks said that we should keep an eye on this boy. He looked like the real thing.

A week later I was having dinner in London with an F1 crowd which included John Watson. He took a call, I believe from Eddie Jordan, and when he hung up he said, “Schumacher has gone to Benetton!”

After just one race the guy was the hottest property in the sport.

The history

Frank Williams said that he and all the other team owners were kicking themselves in Spa that they hadn’t spotted Schumacher’s potential sooner.

Ross Brawn, then at Benetton, certainly had, racing against him in sportscars, Ross with Jaguar, Michael with Sauber-Mercedes. Mercedes were not in F1 in 1991 and by the time they arrived Schumacher was lost to them.

They had several big efforts at getting him, but failed each time.

So it was Flavio Briatore, from 1991-95 and then Jean Todt who had the principal benefit of running Schumacher in their car and he repaid both of them in spades.

Statistically at least, he is the greatest driver in history.

He has re-written the history books and raised the bar in terms of what is expected of a Grand Prix driver.

Now they have to have immense commitment, their fitness must be scientifically monitored and their preparation for each race has to be perfect.

As a child racing karts Schuey developed the mentality that you get out of racing what you put in. Rarely has any sport seen a harder worker.

At Benetton he learned the F1 ropes, guided by the experienced hands of Brawn and particularly Pat Symonds, who was his race engineer back then.

He also learned how to play the political game, making sure that the team was firmly lined up behind him and that his number two driver stayed just that.

By the time he arrived at Ferrari in 1996 he was the real deal.

The car that year was a dog, but he still won three races with it including an emotional win at Monza, where tens of thousands of tifosi opened a giant Ferrari flag under the podium.

I interviewed him a lot in those days and I recall his eye-popping awe at the scale of the reception and the passion he had felt from the crowd that day.

At Ferrari he built around him a super team of engineers and managers, ruled by a ‘circle of fear’, in which the key players were motivated as much by a desire not to let the others down as by the thirst for victory.

Ferrari had not won a title for going on 20 years, but Schumacher gave them five in succession from 2000-2004.

I recall vividly the win at Budapest in 1998, where Schumacher was asked by Brawn to find something like 19s in 17 laps over Hakkinen as he switched him on to a bold three stop plan and he did it, winning the race.

The McLaren on the Bridgestones was a superior car to the Ferrari on Goodyears that year, but Schuey took some unlikely victories to keep himself in the title chase.

This weekend is his 15th appearance at Monza and amazingly he comes here as a title contender for the 11th time. I do not know how he has withstood the pressure of being the pacesetter in F1 for so long.

If you look at how much it took out of driver like Hill or Hakkinen, how they aged before your eyes and then you look at Michael who has changed remarkably little.

I think that the accident at Silverstone in 1999 did him a favour in that respect.

It gave him an unexpected three months off at a very busy time and he was able to take stock of where he was, recharge his batteries and refocus. He came back at a higher level and that propelled him to the five titles in a row from 2000-4.

I honestly don’t believe he would have kept going for so long if he had not had that break in 1999.

The talent

As a pure driving talent, he is obviously up there among the greats, with Jim Clark, Senna, Stewart, Fangio, Prost and a handful of others. But unlike all of those drivers he has rarely had someone of his own level to race against. And he admits this privately. His battle with Ayrton Senna was in its infancy when the Brazilian was killed in 1994.

Mika Hakkinen challenged and beat him in the late 1990s, but he lacked Schumacher’s strength, motivation and consistency.

Only in the last two seasons, with the rise of Fernando Alonso, has Schumacher come up against a driver truly on his own level. They have raced hard this season, honours have been evenly split between them, but Alonso has begun to get the upper hand and I think Schumacher knows that.

Alonso told me last week that he loves racing against Michael because neither wants to finish second to the other.

Alonso is the driver most like Schumacher in many ways.

I’m not sure that he works as hard, but he has a similar mentality, he also has great intelligence and adaptability, which are two of Schumacher’s great qualities. For this reason their battles at Imola last year and this as well as Istanbul, were so interesting, because Schumacher could probably see a lot of himself in the way the other car was being driven

The sure thing

Schumacher is quitting because he doesn’t want to race in the same team as Kimi Raikkonen. Jean Todt has a soft spot for Finns from his rallying days. He likes their quiet, uncomplicated natures and above all he values their attacking spirit.

The crucial point here is timing.

Ferrari had to take Raikkonen now because he is available. If they had not signed him up (12 months ago the deal was agreed) then Kimi would have gone to Renault and Ferrari would have been left with no proven top line driver for the future.

Massa may turn out to be a world-beater, so might any number of youngsters, but right here, right now if you want to win you need either Kimi or Fernando or a big car advantage.

Ferrari needed certainty, so as not to lose all the momentum they have built over the last five years. Schumacher could offer them another year, maybe two at best, but is he still at the same level, could he fulfil his part in the ‘circle of fear’?

Reluctantly Schumacher was forced to accept this. Ferrari were doing the right thing in hiring Raikkonen and that lead directly to his decision to stop.

The dark side

There is also of course, the darker side to Schumacher’s racing genius.

His willingness to punch below the belt is something that sits oddly with his prowess as a driver.

He got away with it a few times in his early career, the first really high profile occasion being when he deliberately drove Damon Hill off the road in Adelaide to clinch the 1994 drivers’ world title, many wondered why he felt he needed to do such things as clearly he was a vastly superior driver.

But it seemed as though he panicked under pressure and lashed out. So desperate was his desire to win, he could not accept that he had made a mistake that would lead to him coming second.

Schumacher came of age as a driver when the sport was ruled by hard men like Senna and Prost, who had a history of committing professional fouls on each other.

He thought that this was how things were done. He got away with it in 1994, but when he tried it again on Jacques Villeneuve at Jerez in 1997, the world had moved on and he was crucified.

He remains the only driver to be disqualified from a championship for unsportsmanlike behaviour. It is a stain on his record and on his character.

As was Monaco this year, where he was found guilty by the race stewards of deliberately parking his car on the racing line during qualifying, to stop Alonso from beating him to pole position.

I was quite shocked by that.

Knowing that in all probability it was his final season in F1, it seemed an odd moment for him to remind everyone of the bad things he has done in his otherwise exceptional career.

But again it was a case of, having made a mistake, lashing out to stop the other man from beating him. Now the older driver, Schumacher was raging against the dying of the light, desperate to stop Alonso, in many ways a younger version of himself, from beating him.

The legacy

It is hard for you and I and even his fellow drivers to understand the mentality of a great champion like Schumacher. They see the world differently. My insight into it comes principally from something Nigel Mansell told me about Senna.

On the podium in Budapest in 1992, when Mansell had finally won the world championship, Senna came up to him and said, ‘Well done Nigel. Now you understand why I am such a bastard. It is because I never want anyone else to have the feeling that you have now.’

Mansell said it made his blood run cold when he heard that. He was a sportsman, a racer, but not cut from the same cloth as Senna and Schumacher.

This then is the enigma that was Michael Schumacher the racing driver.

An exceptional driver, a great leader and a ferocious competitor, who has given the sport so many great moments, but also some darker ones.

Will history revere his amazing record or judge him harshly for his treachery? I think the former. But one thing is for sure; the sport will be very different next year without him.
Deși NU am fost niciodată fan-ul lui Michael Schumacher, nu pot să nu-i apreciez reușitele extraordinare.

Într-adevăr F1 nu v-a mai la fel după plecarea sa...

Eu personal cred că s-a retras prea devreme, F1 a fost viața lui și cred că îi v-a fi enorm de greu să fie un simplu spectator.
N-am fost niciodata fan Schumacher dar nu din cauza ca nu-l apreciez ci din contra. Ieri am avut si eu un sambure de amar in suflet la conferinta de presa si asta pentru ca pilotii cu care am tinut pana acum si-au pierdut cel mai mare rival. Fara Schumacher la Ferrari sunt convins ca victoriile echipei Renault nu mai erau atat de savurate cum au fost.
Citeam despre Jean Todt ca datorita loialitatii care a avut-o fata de Ferrari va fi promovat un fel de vicepresedinte. Avand in vedere si loialitatea necontestata a lui Schumacher n-ar fi poate chiar o surpriza prea mare daca ar deveni el sef de echipa cat o surpirza foarte placuta. E totusi greu de imaginat Ferrari fara Michael Schumacher. Bravo lui ca a reusit in ce si-a propus sa faca si n-a facut-o oricum ci la maximum.
Da Paul, ai dreptate.... in suflet Senna va ramane, doar MS a fost elevul lui...
Oricum si MS isi are locul lui aparte....
Articulul de pe ITV este chiar impresionant, cu toate ca nu sunt un fan Schumy smile.gif
Michael "Showmaker" tribute
Michael Schumacher: "Sunt foarte fericit pentru Felipe care a condus o cursa uimitoare. Este minunat pentru el sa fie primul brazilian care sa castige la Interlagos de la Ayrton Senna incoace. Ar fi fost dragut daca as fi putut macar ajunge pe podium langa el. De asemenea, as dori sa-l felicit pe Fernando. Astazi, cursa mea a fost compromisa dupa pana pe care am suferit-o in turul 9, cand tocmai il depasisem pe Fisichella. Nu eram constient de asta pana cand m-a anuntat echipa la radio. Am reusit apoi sa recuperez, partial multimita unei masini uimitoare si pneurilor Bridgestone exceptionale. Astazi, cariera mea in curse a ajuns la un sfarsit. Evident, este un moment special pentru mine si sunt mandru sa imi fi trait cariera cu niste persoane fantastice, mai exact, toata lumea care este parte din familia Ferrari. Sunt foarte multe lucruri pe care le-as fi putut zice despre ei, dar este dificil sa gasesc cuvintele potrivite..."
Bravo! pentru toti anii in care a alergat si cele 7 titluri castigate! worship.gif
watch this biggrin.gif
Frumos spus, ultima depasire si nu una extrem de frumoasa, care a fost cireasa de pe tortul depasirilor!
Tot respectul pt. calitatile lui incontestabile de pilot insa de multe ori a dovedit o totala lipsa de fair-play (incidentele cu Hill si Villeneuve sau nenumaratele curse castigate dupa ce coechipierul ii ceda prima pozitie). Un mare campion trebuie sa stie si sa piarda.
Deocamdata Schumacher este cel mai bun pilot al tuturor timpurilor , rezultatele vorbesc , restul de macaneli la adresa lui sunt vorbe goale , idolul meu este SENNA , din pacate...
QUOTE(cristirenault @ 25 Oct 2006, 15:57)
Deocamdata Schumacher este cel mai bun pilot al tuturor timpurilor , rezultatele vorbesc , restul de macaneli la adresa lui sunt vorbe goale , idolul meu este SENNA , din pacate...

Desi statistic este cel mai mare pilot din istoria F1, cred ca nu este normal si in acelasi timp rational sa comparam piloti ce au evoluat in cu totul alte perioade, alte conditii de lucru, alte regulamente etc. etc. Fiecare mare pilot a fost senzational la vremea lui. Nu cred ca putem compara piloti din ere diferite. Este ca si cum l-am compara pe Pele cu Ronaldinho; desi Pele este singurul fotbalist din lume ce a castigat 3 titluri mondiale cu nationala de fotbal, totusi multi specialisti sustin ca Ronaldinho este peste Pele din punctul de vedere a ceea ce se vede in teren. Asa si in automobilism: nu cred ca ne putem lua numai si numai dupa statistici. Nimeni nu a contestat niciodata un mare pilot dar daca il facem pe unul prea mare ar insemna ca altii care au fost la fel de buni sa cada intr-o umbra ceea ce nu e corect.
Tocmai voiam sa postez ceva asemenator cu ionutctn. Schumacher este cel mai mare pilot din punct de vedere al statisticilor. ATAT. Pentru unii conteaza mai mult, pentru altii mai putin.
cri123 , vezi ca nu mai stiu pe ce topic , am zis ca de asta e fff greu de zis ce si cum , fiecare a concurat in anumite conditii si epoci , dar una peste alta , Schumi a doborat toate recordurile , si in timpul "epocii" lui regulile s-au schimbat de la an la an si e greu de spus daca in avantajul lui sau nu , insa cu siguranta este unul dintre cei mai mari piloti din lume din toate timpurile , chiar am vazut un interviu cu MS si zicea ca nu se simte cel mai bun , tocmai pentru ca e greu de zis care e cel mai bun , a zis ca respecta inaintasii sai campioni mondiali si ca i se pare ca unii au fost mult mai buni decat el pentru ca , concurau in niste conditii extraordinar de grele... deci hai sa nu o dam in extreme...
Juan Manuel Fangio, Graham Hill, Ayrton Senna, Michael Scumacher.

Pentru mine astia sint cei mai mari campioni ai F1 din toate timpurile.

Restul trebuie sa dovedeasca ca sint mai buni decit ei.
QUOTE(paulp @ 25 Oct 2006, 16:44)
Juan Manuel Fangio, Graham Hill, Ayrton Senna, Michael Scumacher.

Pentru mine astia sint cei mai mari campioni ai F1 din toate timpurile.

Restul trebuie sa dovedeasca ca sint mai buni decit ei.

Alain Prost , Emerson Fittipaldi , Niki Lauda...
Am zis pentru mine, nu pentru tine wink.gif
Continui un post inceput pe topicul "Brazilian GP".
Asta pentru a nu fi inteles gresit.
Si Schumi a avut momentele lui "negre", este perfect adevarat. Imi amintesc acum episoadele cu Villeneuve in '97, Monte Carlo '06, discutabil Hill '94 etc. Apropos, se pare ca nimeni nu-si aduce aminte de Senna, cand l-a scos pe Prost de pe pista la Suzuka, de momentul cand l-a palmuit pe Irvine pentru ca nord-irlandezul nu s-a lasat depasit ... si probabil or mai fi si altele, nu-mi amintesc acum. Dar cand lucrurile pozitive sunt evidente, de ce incearca unii sa vina aici si sa produca flame -uri? Vor sa ne convinga ca in miez de zi afara e noapte?
A contestat vreodata vreun fan Ferrari, aici pe forum, reusitele lui Alonso sau ale echipei Renault? A spus vreun fan Ferrari ca Alonso a castigat titlul anul trecut datorita problemelor pe care le-a avut Raikkonen? Nu! A spus cineva ca Alonso a iesit campion anul acesta deoarece motorul lui Schumi a cedat in penultima cursa? Nu! Spaniolul a iesit dublul campion datorita talentului său si a masinii (a capacitatii sale de a o trece primul linia de sosire).
Atunci, cand cel putin statisticile arata, fara a discuta aici si cariera de exceptie pe care a avut-o germanul, voi de ce veniti sa contestati ceva ce este evident?
paul, Schumi a declarat recent ca cel mai mult dintre toti pilotii cu care a concurat (si Senna se numara printre ei...) il respecta pe Hakkinen wink.gif
@f39sor - eu nu contest reusitele lui Michael. Ba din contra, admir ce a putut face in perioada asta.

Insa lasati oamenii sa priveasca treaba si din alte puncte de vedere, nu numai cel al fanilor Ferrari.

Imi pare rau ca se retrage, fiindca e clar ca a facut sarea si piperul ultimilor 15 ani in F1. La fel cum e pacat ca a murit Senna, ca s-a retras Hakkinen, etc. Cand a castigat Alonso campionatul, parca nici nu m-am mai bucurat asa tare, stiind ca de la anul nu mai are cu cine sa se bata (decat cu masina biggrin.gif).
Ca Michael Schumacher este cel mai titrat pilot de F1 al tuturor timpurilor este un lucru evident si incontestabil. Ca este un pilot cu un talent fantastic si o daruire pe masura, la fel. Insa nu se paote spune ca este cel mai bun; sau ca nu este cel mai bun; pentru simplul motiv ca acest lucru nu este masurabil. Nu ai cum sa-l compari pe MS cu Graham Hill sau cu Farina sau cu Ascari. Nici macar cu Senna, pentru simplul motiv ca au alergat pe masini diferite... Am spus asta si o sustin de cate ori e nevoie. Nu este o afirmatie peiorativa la adresa marelui campion.
Pai ce rost are discutia. Chiar si el a declarat ca nu vrea sa fie comparat cu nimeni altcineva din alta epoca. Pentru ca nu e posibila comparatia.

Nu cred ca ar mai trebui sa existe dubii privind talentul omului. La varsta pe care o are a facut o ultima cursa memorabila. A recuperat imens de doua ori in aceeasi cursa. L-a invatzat pe Kimi depasiri smile.gif.

Un meseriash. Pentru mine dupa plecarea lui F1 si-a pierdut din farmec.
Poate că și-a mai pierdut din "appeal", ca să zic așa, dar cred că prin vara anului viitor nu o să ni se mai pară așa de rău fără el... smile.gif

Jos pălăria la realizările lui și mai ales pentru că a fost în stare și a adus oameni capabili să scoată Ferrari din gaura neagră în care erau de foarte mulți ani, perioadă în care nu mai câștigaseră nici un titlu.

Numai pentru asta și merită recunoscut, pentru că a coagulat în jurul lui o echipă tehnică de excepție, cu care a reușit performanțe foarte mari.

Nu îmi e mie de F1, ci de Ferrari, nu știu câți din oamenii de acolo vor mai găsi impulsul necesar pentru a aduce din nou titlul în mâna lor. Sper ca Michael să rămână consultant pe la ei și să-i motiveze.
Cred ca deja le stiti dar poate cineva nu le-a vazut inca icon_mrgreen.gif

Partea 1
Partea a 2-a
Partea a 3-a
Super tare clipurile ! radmasa.gif
e cel mai bun pt ca a revenit dupa ce si a rupt piciorul si a mai castigat titluri.
e cel mai bun pt ca la el nu exista decat munca si atat(se trezeste la 5 dimineata mereu,nu umbla la petreceri)
e cel mai bun pt ca nu se retrage cand ii naste sotia(vezi hakkinen)
e cel mai bun pt ca merge numai la limita cu masina si are stilul aparte in care ia curbele
e cel mai bun pt ca are cea mai buna conditie fizica.
e cel mai bun pt ca el a ridicat ferrari.
la 2 ani dupa debutul in f1 era printre primii patru in clasamnetul
pilotilor si se batea cu senna,hill,etc

si oricum nu castiga alonso anul asta dc nu i sarea motorul la suzuka lui schumi.
parerea mea ca un tiltlu trebuia sa i l dea lui hill pt adelaide,unul lui barrichelo pt ordinele de echipa(austria 2002 parca)si tot era cel mai bun
tocmai se terminasera discutiile cu daca...
n-are sens sa speculam ce-ar fi fost daca...
desi sunt un fan declarat si inrait smile.gif schummi, tin sa recunosc ca ma enerveaza discutiile cu daca. Daca nu i-ar fi plesnit motorul la suzuka si DACA nu i-ar fi plesnit nici lui Alonso o cursa inainte, atunci ce se mai intampla tongue.gif ?

cat despre cel mai mare si mai tare, Schummi a fost pentru MINE cel mai cel. Fiecare are dreptul la o opinie cat si-o tine pt el smile.gif

Lucrurile sunt calme acum (pana in martie 2007). De ce vrei tu sa aduci iar discutii aprinse aici? mad.gif

Stim cu totii adevarul, las-o asa....... biggrin.gif
Stim cu totii adevarul, las-o asa....... biggrin.gif

Eu nu-l stiu, mi-l zici? smile.gif
Frank SF
@ssilviu, foarte inteligent postul tau, ce sa zic, ca mai toate posturile tale....

ghinion ca schumacher nu a gasit si leacul pentru asta cred eu ca nu e cel mai bun.

nu stiu citi piloti ar fi avut capabilitatea sa ridice ferrari de la esalonul 2 la nivelul de a domina F1 pentru 6 ani la rind.

anyway, cica la petrecerea de retragere, intre citiva cunoscuti, Schumi ar fi soptit "non c'e ancora finito".... smile.gif
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