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A fost cineva de curand la Medjugorje in Bosnia...f aproape de orasele Split si Dubrovnik din Croatia?
Am inteles ca nu mai e nevoie de viza de anul acesta.
As dori sa trec pe la renumita biserica unde vin in pelerinaj mii de oameni...
N-am insa prea multe informatii...
poate e cineva care a trecut pe acolo...
Ma intereseaza si pe mine aceste date, mai ales ca as vrea sa mai merg si eu la Medjugorje.

Eu am fost dar mai demult. Ce pot sa iti spun este ca MERITA pelerinajul.
Este un loc in care poti cu adevarat sa TRAIESTI Pacea!

Sa profiti din plin de calatoria ta!
Cred ca esti pruntre putinii care stiu de acest pe forumul asta si nu numai...
eu nu voi merge in merg in excursie in croatia si intamplator am aflat ca acest loc se afla f aproape de drumul meu...asa ca negresit voi merge...
stiu ca nu mai trebuie rest..alte detalii n-am...

alte informatii pe siteul

Cu bine!

Stii care este chestia, la Medjugorje multi au venit ca turisti si s-au intors pelerini smile.gif

In satul ala nu s-a tras nici macar un glont in timpul razboilului din anii 90. Au vrut sa il bombardeze, dar de fiecare data s-a acoperit cu ceata. Satul este in munti (asa cum ii spune si numele). Acum cred ca nu se mai vad urmele, dupa atatia ani, dar eu le-am vazzut pentru ca am fost la cativa ani dupa razboi. Era infiorator sa vezi casele din alte sate ciuruite si bombardate. Dar in Medjugorje era pace si liniste si cantec.

Sigur, turismul si afacerile s-au dezvoltat mult in acest sat, profitand de afluxul mare de pelerini. O sa poti manca acolo niste pizza clasa I. wink.gif

Eu sunt ortodox, nu catolic, dar nu fac diferente asa cum fac multe persoane intre cele doua culte. Mentionez asta doar ca sa ma intelegi ca nu fac "reclama spirituala". biggrin.gif

As putea sa iti povestesc cateva intamplari "iesite din comun" care i s-au intamplat unei pritene acolo, daca te intereseaza.

Cand te vei intoarce, zi si mie cum e drumul. Din cate imi amintesc este bun. Incearca sa cauti ruta pe

Cum stai cu engleza? Hai ca iti postez si un material despre ce se petrece acolo (poate ai mai citit, dar cine stie, poate mai intereseaza pe cineva):

In June, 1981, six youths from the village of Medjugorje in central Yugoslavia met Mother Mary on Mount Podbrdo. The apparitions have continued since then, albeit with decreasing frequency. Mary sends a message of faith, conversions, and fasting to brig peace to Earth. She has come to bring humanity back to her son Jesus Christ, and she warns that Satan is extremely active now; it is necessary to pray often and fervently to defend against his assaults. Medjugorje has subsequently become a major pilgrimage site for more than 10 million devout Christians. The Serbo-Croatian conflict erupted on the 10th anniversary of the apparition.
Mary has entrusted each of the six visionaries with ten secrets concerning the fateful events that will occur if humanity fails to rehabilitate itself in due time. When the apparitions end at Medjugorje, all other Marian apparitions will stop. Then the secret prophetic events will transpire, and many humans will expire.
A report sent from the Bishop of Mostar to the Pope stated:
"According to Mirjana, during the apparition on December 25, 1982, the Madonna confided the tenth and last secret to her, and she revealed the dates on which the various secrets will come to pass. The Blessed Virgin revealed many aspects of the future to Mirjana, many more up to now than to the other seers. For that reason, I relate now what Mirjana told me in a conversation on November 5, 1983 I shall summarize the essential things she said, without any literal quotations. Before the visible sign is given to humanity, there will be three warnings to the world. The warnings will be warnings on the earth. Mirjana will witness them. Three days before one of these warnings, she will advise a priest of her choice. Mirjana's testimony will be a confirmation of the apparitions and an incentive for the conversion of the world. After these warnings, the visible sign will be given for all humanity at the place of the apparitions in Medjugorje. The sign will be given as the testimony of the apparitions and a call back to faith...
"The ninth and tenth secrets are grave matters. They are a chastisement for the sins of the world. The punishment is inevitable because we cannot expect the conversion of the entire world. The chastisement can be mitigated by prayers and penance. It cannot be suppressed. After the first warning, the others will follow within a rather brief period of time. So it is that people will have time for conversion. This time is a period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign, those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. For that reason, the Blessed Virgin calls for urgent conversion and reconciliation. The invitation to prayer and penance is destined to ward off evil and war and above all to save souls. We are close to the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin. Convert yourselves as quickly as possible. Open your hearts to God. This is a message to all mankind."
Father Tomislav has offered an explanation of another prophecy made by the Virgin in 1983:
"They say that, with the realization of the secrets entrusted to them by Our Lady, life in the world will change. Afterwards, men will believe like in ancient times. What will change and how it will change, we don't know, given that the seers don't want to say anything about the secrets."
In an interview conducted by Janice Connell 1990, Marijana clarified some of the earlier statements:
"The first two secrets will be warnings to the world -- events that will occur before a visible sign is given to humanity. These will happen in my lifetime. Ten days before the first secret and the second secret, I will notify Father Petar Ljubicic. He will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce these to the world.
"This sign will be given for the atheists. You faithful already have signs, and you have become the sign for the atheists. You faithful must not wait for the sign before you convert; convert soon. This time is a time of grace for you. You can never thank God enough for His grace. The time is for deepening your faith and for your conversion. When the sign comes, it will be too late for many."
In a letter to Pope John Paul II dated December 16, 1983, Father Tomisav Vlasic reported concerning the revelations given by the Blessed Virgin to Mirjana:
"After the apparition of the Blessed Virgin on November 30, 1983, Maria Pavlovic came to me and said. 'The Madonna says that the Supreme Pontiff and the Bishop must be advised immediately of the urgency and great importance of the message of Medjugorje.
"This letter seeks to fulfill that duty.
"Five young people (Vicka Ivankovic, Maria Pavlovic, Ivanka Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, and Jakob Colo) see an apparition of the Blessed Virgin every day. The experience in which they see her is a fact that can be checked by direct observation. It has been filmed. During the apparitions, the youngsters do not react to light, they do not hear sounds, they do not react if someone touches them, they feel that they are beyond time and space.
"All of the youngsters basically agree that:
"We see the Blessed Virgin just as we see anyone else. We pray with her, we speak to her, and we can touch her... The Blessed Virgin says that world peace is at a critical stage. She repeatedly calls for reconciliation and conversion... She has promised to leave a visible sign for all humanity at the site of the apparitions of Medjugorje... The period preceding this visible sign is a time of grace for conversion and deepening the faith... the Blessed Virgin ha promised to disclose ten secrets to us. So far, Vicka Ivankovic has received eight. Marija Pavlovic received the ninth one on December 8, 1983. Jakov Colo, Ivan Dragicevic and Ivanka Ivankovic have each received nine. Only Maria Dragicevic has received all ten... These apparitions are the last apparitions of the Blessed Virgin on earth. That is why they are lasting so long and occurring so frequently...
"The Blessed Virgin no longer appears to Mirjana Dragicevic. The last time she saw one of the daily apparitions was Christmas 1982. Since then the apparitions have ceased for her, except on her birthday (March 18, 1983). Mirjana knew that this would occur.
"According to Mirjana, the Madonna confided the tenth and last secret to her during the apparition on December 25, 1982. She also disclosed the dates on which the different secrets will come to pass. The Blessed Virgin has revealed to Mirjana many things about the future, more than to any of the other youngsters so far. For that reason I am reporting below what Mirjana told me during our conversation on November 5, 1983. I am summarizing the substance of her account, without word-for-word quotations:
Mirjana said that before the visible sign is given to humanity, there will be three warnings to the world. The warnings will be in the form of events on earth. Mirjana will be a witness to them. Three days before one of the admonitions, Mirjana will notify a priest of her choice. The witness of Mirjana will be a confirmation of the apparitions and a stimulus for the conversion of the world.
"After the admonitions, the visible sign will appear on the site of the apparitions in Medjugorje for all the world to see. The sign will be given as a testimony to the apparitions and in order to call the people back to the faith.
"The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. They concern chastisement for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable, for we cannot expect the whole world to be converted. The punishment can be diminished by prayer and penance, but it cannot be eliminated.
"Mirjana says that one of the evils that threatened the world, the one contained in the seventh secret, has been averted, thanks to prayer and fasting. That is why the Blessed Virgin continues to encourage prayer and fasting:
"You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert war and suspend the laws of nature."
"After the first admonition, the others will follow in a rather short time. Thus, people will have some time for conversion.
"That interval will be a period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign appears, those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. For that reason, the Blessed Virgin invites us to urgent conversion and reconciliation.
"The invitation to prayer and penance is meant to avert evil and war, but most of all to save souls.
"According to Mirjana, the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin are near. By virtue of this experience, Mirjana proclaims to the world: "Hurry, be converted; open your hearts to God."
"In addition to this basic message, Mirjana related an apparition she had in 1982, which we believe sheds some light on some aspects of Church history. She spoke of an apparition in which Satan appeared to her disguised as the Blessed Virgin. Satan asked Mirjana to renounce the Madonna and follow him. That way she could be happy in love and in life. He said that following the Virgin, on the contrary, would only lead to suffering. Mirjana rejected him, and immediately the Virgin arrived and Satan disappeared. Then the Blessed Virgin gave her the following message in substance:
"Excuse me for this, but you must realize that Satan exists. One day he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. This century is under the power of the devil; but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed. Even now he is beginning to lose his power and has become aggressive. He is destroying marriages, creating divisions among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder. You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, especially community prayer. Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your house, and restore the use of holy water...
"Holy Father, I do not want to be responsible for the ruin of anyone. I am doing my best. The world is being called to conversion and reconciliation. In writing to you, Holy Father, I am doing only doing my duty. After drafting this letter, I gave it to the youngsters so that they might ask the Blessed Virgin whether its contents are accurate. Ivan Dragicevic relayed the following answer: "Yes, the contents of the letter are the truth. You must notify first the Supreme Pontiff and then the Bishop".
The Blessed Virgin at Medjugorje has said this concerning prophecy:
"Do not think about wars, punishments, evil, because if you do you are on the road toward them. Your task is to accept divine peace, to live it, and to spread it."
The primary message of the Blessed Virgin always has been one of Peace, Prayer, and Mercy, rather than of her prophecies, which are contingent upon the power of Prayer. According to Mary, the wrath of God and Jesus can be averted (or at least delayed) by repentance and the Rosary. This approach to world peace actually seems to have worked in the case of the fall of the USSR, which also prevented (or long delayed) the invasion of Europe by Soviet forces.

Interesant..Multumim Lumynos

Ruta mea este urmatoarea...Bucuresti-Zagreb-Ljubljana-Porec-Split-Medjugorje-Dubrovnik-Kotor-Budva-Durmitor-Craiova-Bucuresti.

Cand ma voi intoarce voi povesti cum a fost la impresiile mele...

Cu bine!
Drum bun sa ai! Si, te rog, condu atent si cu MULTA rabdare!
de ce crezi ca n-as conduce atent si cu rabdare? tongue.gif


Imi amintesc ca atunci cand am trecut in Croatia (am mers prin Ucraina, ca pe atunci nu prea era sigur sa mergi prin Serbia) si la vama ne-au desfacut toate bagajele. Au mirosit sticla cu palinca si au intrebat: "Droguri?". "Nu droguri, alcool", am incercat sa le explicam. Abia se descurcau cu engleza.

Granita dintre Croatia si Bosnia-Hertegovina, era o ghereta la marginea drumului si doi politzai. Iti amintesc ca era dupa razboi. Era sa trecem fara sa ne dam seama ca este granita. Noroc ca l-am vazut pe unul cu chipiu care flutura de zor mana.
Nu ne-o lasat sa coboram din masina. Dupa ce a verificat actele, s-a incotit in portiera (geamul era deschis), cam asa cum fac tarfele cand discuta cu potentialii biggrin.gif clienti (hai ca imi place cum suna!). Si a inceput sa ne intrebe despre noi. A inceput: "Tigaini?" (si arata spre noi). Am incercat sa ii explicam frumos ca suntem romani. Si ca nu toti romanii sunt "tigani".

Cred ca ziceam de rabdare si prin prisma experientelor pe care le-am avut smile.gif

In orice caz, croatii au o autostrada de toata frumusetea, care traverseaza tara de sus pana jos. Asta imi amintesc clar. Iar coasta Dalmatiei (venind din Bosnia cobori muntele si vezi marea si insulele din larg, chiar si cateva din Italia) este ceva deosebit.

Sunt curios ce o sa ai tu de povestit...
dupa 22 de zile prin zona...o sa am mult de povestit...totul e sa am timp sa astern si aici...dar daca sunt persoane placere...

multumesc pt sfaturi!...voi tine cont de ele..

cu bine

QUOTE(Lumynos @ 10 Aug 2007, 08:54)
Imi amintesc ca atunci cand am trecut in Croatia (am mers prin Ucraina, ca pe atunci nu prea era sigur sa mergi prin Serbia) si la vama ne-au desfacut toate bagajele.

Cred ca ai vrut sa zici Ungaria in loc de Ucraina.
In ce an ai fost, de zici ca nu era sigur prin Serbia?
Eu am fost in 1997 in Serbia si nu m-am simtit deloc in nesiguranta.
Intr-adevar era vorba de Ungaria. wacko.gif

Nu mai stiu exact cand am fost. Dar nu cu mult inainte de a incepe razboiul dintre sarbi si kosovari si bombardarea Serbiei.
Inseamana ca ai fost aproximativ in aceeiasi perioada in care am fost ei eu si ai pus botu la fobia generala legata de Serbia care era pe vremea aia, si care, din pacate persista si acum; sunt o gramada de oameni cu figuri in cap, care o sa-ti spuna ca e periculos in Serbia.
Si mie, inainte sa plec, mi-au zis o gramda de baieti destepti ca ma omora sarbii si imi lasa cadavaru pe margine drumului.
Pai, nu mai spune nimeni, nimic ?

(Ma refer desigur la cei care au fost la Medjugorje cu automobilul)
Eu am fost chiar in perioada cand se implineau 30 de ani de la prima aparitie (19-29 iunie 2011)
Intr-adevar nu mai e nevoie de viza, mai mult, o parte au intrat doar cu CI.
Am trecut prin Serbia. Nici o problema, cu exceptia faptului ca n-am putut cumpara nimic. Nu schimbasem, iar ei nu primesc euro. La Medjugorje, euro e moneda acceptata peste tot. Chiar scriaca orice moneda e acceptata. Paritate:1 Euro=2 .......moneda lor
am fost eu acum 2 ani. nu m-a impresionat foarte tare...
intr-adevar nu sunt prea dezvoltat pe partea spirituala tongue.gif
Am fost si noi tot acum 2 ani. Ne-a impresionat, am simtit acolo asa, o liniste interioara totala. Motiv ptr. care anul asta vom completa trioul cu Fatima si Lourdes. Sper sa fie la fel.
fatima up.gif am fost de 3 ori si de fiecare data a fost fain *. platoul din fata bisericii e enorm!
* parerea aluia mai putin dezvoltat pe partea spirituala

Deja mai facut curios daca acolo ti-a placut ( si ai fost de 3 ori ) iar la Medugorje nu! intrebare.gif Dupa ce ca nu mai aveam rabdare... asteapta nervos.gif
Am fost anul acesta atat la Medjugorie cat si la Ostrog.

Garantez ca la Tismana este mai interesant....

frumos sa revad locurile pe care le-am vizitat acum 2 ani intr-un pelerinaj..

din cate am auzit cam multi serpi pe acolo biggrin.gif ... eu insa nu am vazut nici unul smile.gif
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